Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog

Nonacademic Policies & Procedures

Public Safety

Davenport University places a high priority on keeping its locations safe for students, employees, and visitors. In compliance with federal campus safety disclosure regulations, Davenport University’s annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years of reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by Davenport University, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible to, each location. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. Digital copies of the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report are available on DU’s Public Safety website or by contacting the Director of Public Safety & Compliance, at (616) 554-5041.

Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure

Davenport University strives to create and maintain a positive work and learning environment in which people are treated with dignity, decency and respect. The policy of Davenport University is to provide an environment free from harassment and unlawful discrimination based on national origin, race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, veteran, or other protected status. Such harassment or discrimination does harm to those who experience it, is a violation of this policy, interferes with the fulfillment of our mission, and therefore, will not be tolerated.

All employees, regardless of their positions, are covered by and are expected to comply with this policy and to take appropriate measures to ensure that prohibited conduct does not occur. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who violates this policy. Based on the seriousness of the offense, disciplinary action may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension, or termination of employment.

Prohibited Conduct

It is a violation of Davenport’s policy to unlawfully discriminate in the provision of employment opportunities, benefits, or privileges; to create discriminatory work conditions; or to use discriminatory evaluative standards in employment if the basis of that discriminatory treatment is, in whole or in part, based on that person’s national origin, race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, veteran, or other protected status.

Discrimination in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination.

Harassment is unprofessional conduct that could reasonably be understood as (1) having the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, (2) having the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or access to educational activities and programs, (3) otherwise adversely affecting an individual’s employment opportunities or access to educational activities and programs.

Such prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to, epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening or intimidating acts that relate to a person’s protected characteristics or are directed toward a person because of their protected characteristics. Written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group because of these characteristics is prohibited in our workplace.

Sexual Harassment
Specifically, prohibited sexual harassment refers to behavior or comments that are not welcome, are personally offensive, undermine morale, and interfere with the work performance and effectiveness of its victims. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature can become unlawful harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or access to educational activities and programs, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions or access to educational activities and programs, or (3) such conduct is unprofessional and has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.

Prohibited behavior or comments do not have to be sexual; behavior or comments directed at an individual because of their sex with the intention to harass are prohibited. Sexually-based and “same-sex” sexually based behavior or comments are also prohibited.

Examples of conduct which are prohibited under this policy include, but are not limited to, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, insults, humor or jokes about sex or gender-specific traits, sexual propositions, threats, repeated unwanted social invitations, suggestive or insulting sounds, leering, suggestive whistling, obscene gestures, pin-ups, touching, pinching, brushing the body, and assault.


No adverse action may be imposed on an employee, registered student organization, student, or Davenport affiliate.

Acts of retaliation are prohibited, including, but not limited to;

1. Retaliation against a reporting party or witness in a University process, whether through the Office of Student Affairs, Athletics, Title IX, Human Resources, or elsewhere.

2. Retaliation against a University employee and/or DU affiliate conducting their routine duties in the context of regular University work responsibilities, an investigation, hearing, or appeals proceeding.

Persons who believe retaliation is occurring or has occurred toward them as a result of their good faith participation in a University process or regular work responsibility are invited to report that allegation to our Incident Report link available on the Davenport University website.

Taking adverse action against someone who makes a complaint or participates in the investigation process is a violation of this policy. Any person who is found to have violated this aspect of the policy will be subject to sanctions up to and including termination of employment

Consensual Romantic or Sexual Relationships
Davenport strongly discourages romantic or sexual relationships between a manager or other supervisory employee and their staff (a direct or indirect report), and between faculty or coaches and a student or student-athlete because of the inherent differences in professional authority and the risk of perceived favoritism or lack of mutual consent. Given the uneven balance of authority between a staff member and student, any such relationship is a particular concern.

If any employee of Davenport University enters into a consensual relationship that is romantic or sexual in nature with a member of their staff (a direct or indirect report) or a current student or student-athlete, the parties must notify human resources (HR) or other appropriate University officer for evaluation.

Filing a Complaint
Employees and students have a responsibility to inform the University of any concern regarding behavior directed toward them of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation.

Davenport University will address all complaints professionally and promptly. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible in light of the need to investigate and take appropriate corrective action. Lodging a good faith complaint, even if ultimately not sustained, will not result in any adverse action against the employee or student.

The following reporting venues are available.

  1. An employee may contact Human Resources at (616) 732-1151 or via
  2. A student may contact the Center for Campus Life by calling (616) 554-5095.
  3. An employee may report the concern to their manager.
  4. A manager who becomes aware of an employee’s or a student’s concern, either through personal observation or as a result of an employee complaint shall immediately report it to the location leader and/or Human Resources.
  5. An employee may submit a complaint through our EthicsPoint Hotline at (855) 271-2823 or online by searching the DU Intraweb for the keywords: EthicsPoint.
  6. A student or employee may communicate through the online incident reporting form found on the DU Intraweb by searching for the keywords: Incident Report.
  7. A student or employee may contact the Title IX Coordinator for any sex or gender-based discrimination concern. Contact information can be found on the DU Intraweb by searching for the keywords: Title IX Coordinator.

The University will be as discreet as possible regarding the privacy of the individuals involved and the confidentiality of the information received, consistent with its need to investigate and resolve the complaint. The expressed wishes of the complaining person for confidentiality will be considered in the context of the University’s legal obligation to act on the complaint and the right of the accused to obtain information and respond.

The employee assistance program (EAP) provides confidential counseling services to full-time employees through EmployeeConnect Plus at (855) 327-4463. Individuals wishing to discuss an incident confidentially or seeking information and advice of a personal nature are encouraged to contact the EAP. The role of the EAP in such cases will be limited to personal counseling and treatment for the person who is then an EAP client. Contacting the EAP will not qualify as notification to Davenport University of a potential harassment or discrimination issue.

Students: Davenport provides a 24/7 confidential and voluntary student assistance program or counseling service for students through our Wellness Center. Students can schedule a counseling appointment at (616) 871-6166. After-hours support is available to students by calling (616) 340-5243. Individuals wishing to discuss an incident confidentially or seeking information and advice of a personal nature are encouraged to reach out. Contacting the Wellness Center will not qualify as notification to Davenport University of a potential harassment or discrimination issue.

Complaint Investigation
Upon receiving a complaint, HR or other appropriate University personnel will initiate an investigation to determine whether there is a reasonable basis for determining that a violation of this policy occurred. The University expects complete candor and truth from all persons involved in the investigation. Only the parties involved, witnesses, and other persons with a need to know, as determined by the University, will be made aware of the report. The University will take appropriate action as warranted by such investigation within a reasonable time frame.

Members of the University community are responsible for knowing and understanding the University’s policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Managers, faculty, or staff who need assistance in interpreting or applying the policy should contact Human Resources (HR) for clarification; students should contact the Center for Campus Life.

Anti-Violence Policy

Davenport University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and therefore adopts a zero-tolerance policy against any form of violence. Davenport University will not tolerate any threats, intimidation, or acts of violence on our premises or against our students, faculty, staff, student employees, distributors, or visitors. The University’s prohibition against threats, intimidation, and acts of violence applies to all persons involved in University operations, including, but not limited to, students, faculty, staff, student employees, contract and temporary faculty/ staff, and anyone else on University property. This policy applies to all University facilities and other locations where faculty/staff are engaged in University business.

Violations of this policy by any individual will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action, as appropriate. Any attempt to retaliate against an individual who files a complaint is prohibited by this policy and by law. Anyone who attempts to retaliate may be immediately terminated from their employment and be subject to disciplinary action through the Office of Student Affairs up to and including immediate dismissal from the University..


  • Threat of Violence: includes any behavior that could be interpreted by a reasonable person as the intent to cause harm to another person or damage to property.
  • Act of Violence:  is conduct that causes bodily or emotional injury to another person or damage to property.
  • Intimidation: is conduct which coerces, inhibits, or negatively interferes with a member of the Davenport University community, whether for personal profit or gain, in abusing the power of position, trust, or differential power for one’s own personal interest or purpose.
  • Retaliation: is conduct which intimidates, threatens, coerces, or takes adverse action against any member of the Davenport University community in order to interfere with any right or privilege they hold as a student, employee, or student group, or to repay injury or insult of any kind related to a person’s good faith participation in an official University proceeding or process.

Complaint Procedures
If there is an emergency that requires police and/or medical personnel, please contact the local police or sheriff’s department and then notify Public Safety. The necessary personnel will assist.

Faculty/staff who become aware of a threat, intimidation, or an act of violence should immediately report it to their supervisor Public Safety. When an issue involving employees occurs, Human Resources must also be contacted. A student or visitor who becomes aware of a threat, intimidation, or an act of violence should immediately report the violation to those responsible for Public Safety.

Violation of the University’s anti-violence policy may result in legal action, criminal charges, and disciplinary action through the Office of Student Affairs, up to and including immediate dismissal from the University.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Davenport University has a vital interest in maintaining a safe and healthful learning environment for the benefit of its students, faculty, and staff, and to ensure its successful operation as an educational institution. The University has established the following policy, which reinforces the University’s commitment to promoting a drug-free learning and working environment:

It is the policy of Davenport University that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale, purchase, possession, or use of controlled substances and alcohol is prohibited on University property or as part of its activities.

As a condition of receiving an education at Davenport University, each student is required by federal and state law to comply with the terms of this statement. Any student, faculty, or staff member who is found to have violated the policy will be subject to sanctions by the University, which may include suspension, termination, expulsion, and referral for prosecution. Violations of applicable local, state, and federal laws may subject a student or employee to a variety of legal sanctions including, but not limited to, fines, incarceration, imprisonment, and/or community service requirements.

Health risks generally associated with alcohol and drug abuse can result in, but are not limited to: a lowered immune system, damage to critical nerve cells, physical dependency, lung damage, heart problems, liver disease, physical and mental depression, increased infection, irreversible memory loss, personality changes, and thought disorders. Davenport University is committed to assisting students and employees with substance abuse problems through the utilization of available drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs. In addition, the University offers 24/7 access to its Students Assistance Program which is designed to address substance use and other problems that negatively affect students’ performance. Students should refer to the Wellness Center for available treatment options.

Reporting Accidents or Injuries

Injuries and illness, regardless of severity, should be reported immediately to Public Safety, the Center for Campus Life, or the Campus Director (or designee) to provide prompt evaluation and to obtain medical attention if necessary. The University does not operate a healthcare facility at any location. Injuries must be documented on the Incident Report Form. This form is to be completed by the student, Public Safety, Campus Director, and/or any witnesses to the injury and is maintained by Human Resources and the Center for Campus Life.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. To prevent accidents, please report any unsafe conditions or circumstances to the Campus Director, Center for Learning and Engagement, or Public Safety.

Reporting Criminal Activity or Other Emergencies

Any criminal action or emergency that occurs at a location or a school-related function should be promptly reported (by Accident/Incident Report) to Public Safety, the Center for Campus Life, and/or the Campus Director or designee. This individual will determine the nature and severity of the crime and judge whether or not local or state authorities are to be contacted.

Completed Accident/Incident Report forms are directed to and maintained by the Center for Campus Life.

The University will respond and cooperate with local or state authorities in the referral for prosecution of any individual(s) involved in criminal activity. The University may respond with sanctions or disciplinary action as appropriate. Details on this process can be found in the Employee Handbook, and the Student Code of Conduct respectively.

Response to emergencies will include a review of the circumstances that caused the incident and any actions necessary to prevent recurrence.

Emergency Exits

Since there is always the possibility of the need to evacuate the buildings, a system of illuminated EXIT signs has been installed for the students’ protection. The locations of fire exits are posted.

Title IX Policy

Davenport University is committed to maintaining an education and work environment that is free from sexual harassment. The University does not discriminate based on sex in its education programs or activities. Under its obligations under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and its implementing regulations, the University is committed to eliminating sexual harassment and will take appropriate action when an individual is determined responsible for violating this policy.

This policy applies to student and employee complaints alleging sexual harassment that is a violation of Title IX and its implementing regulations. All administrators, faculty, staff, and all other University employees share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting acts of sexual harassment as a matter of their employment. All members of the Davenport community are further encouraged to avoid, discourage, and report violations of this policy of which they may become aware.

Any inquiries about the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations to the University may be referred to the University’s Title IX Coordinator(s), the Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both.

The University has adopted grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging any action that is prohibited by Title IX and/or its implementing regulations. The grievance procedures are included in the Davenport University Title IX Policy. The grievance procedures and grievance process specifically address how to report or file a complaint of sex discrimination, how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment, and how the University will respond.

The University will prominently display the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information and this Policy on the University’s website and in each handbook or catalog that the University makes available to applicants for employment, students, and employees. For your reference, you may download the entire policy from this link.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of one of the offenses defined above while at Davenport, please contact a University staff member or the designated Title IX coordinator.

Andrea Prins
Director of Housing and Residence Life and Title IX
Phone: (616) 554-4309

Campus Use Guidelines


W.A. Lettinga Campus Students Taking Classes on Campus:
The W.A. Lettinga campus bookstore offers textbooks and course materials for all in-seat W.A. Lettinga Campus classes. Please visit the DU Spirit Store to view the current titles offered. Prices and course information are subject to change.

Online Classes or Students at Campus Locations:
Students may purchase online and in-seat course materials through the online bookstore service, Akademos. Materials are available approximately 30 to 45 days before the start of courses and will be delivered directly to the student.

Students can order books online, by mail, or by toll-free fax or phone. Visit the DU Online Bookstore or call Akademos at (800) 887-6459 for more information.

Students should order their books at least 10 days before the start of the course.

Book Vouchers:
Book vouchers are a part of your financial aid package. To establish a book voucher or if you have questions regarding your book voucher, speak with your advisor or email

You may use your book vouchers to purchase your books and any required course materials. You may use your voucher at the W.A. Lettinga Bookstore, and the online bookstore.

Students interested in purchasing supplies using their financial aid/book voucher may do so via the Davenport University Bookstore website.

Further Information:
For further information, please see Bookstore Information. You will find information and videos for step-by-step ordering information, current store hours, specials, events, and contact information.

Information Technology Use Policy

Davenport University provides several technology resources for use by faculty, staff, students, and other users that support its educational mission. These resources are continually changing due to advancements, but currently include computer hardware, software, services, email, voicemail, networks, Internet access, and connections. These resources are provided to assist faculty, staff, and students to learn and conduct University-related business most efficiently and effectively. Technology resources may be used for limited personal use only during non-work hours. Email is provided to facilitate communications concerning the University’s educational mission and related business; the use of the University’s email system to distribute personal messages to multiple recipients is prohibited. Use of University technology resources to obtain or view inappropriate and/or sexually explicit information/pictures, distribute chain or junk mail, or other wasteful use is expressly prohibited.

All information residing in Davenport University’s computers, computer networks, and voicemail networks is the property of the University. The University prohibits the copying of any computer software from its computers or networks, including the University’s software or software owned by or licensed by third parties.

  • Davenport University students and employees are prohibited from loading any software, data, or information from outside sources onto the University’s computers or networks. All loading of outside software, data, or information shall be performed by someone who is authorized by the University to do so.
  • Information technology resources are to be used ethically and appropriately, in accordance with all University policies. All faculty, staff, students, and other users are required to:
  • Protect all password and login information
  • Deny access to unauthorized users
  • Receive proper training before access
  • Cooperate with any investigations of concern, problems, or technical difficulties related to University technology resources
  • Information technology resources may NOT be used:
  • For personal gain
  • For any illegal activity
  • To display, receive, archive, store, distribute, bribe, blackmail, edit, propagate, or record sexually explicit, copyright infringing, or destructive materials (i.e., viruses, worms, or other malicious content)
  • To send harassing, abusive, intimidating, discriminatory, or other offensive messages

Despite the use of passwords, all information on the University’s computer networks, computers, and voicemail networks are not private to employees. All information, communications, and data related to the University’s business sent or stored on University-provided computers and networks remain its property. Any information sent or stored on University-provided networks and computers can be monitored and inspected by the University at its discretion at any time without notice. All passwords and codes on computers and networks must be approved by and be accessible to the University.

The University reserves the right to restrict, monitor, and/or interrupt the use of technology resources and the communications sent through any University technology resources, service, or online network. Any person who violates this University policy or applicable laws may also be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Please note that network or computing providers outside the University may additionally impose their conditions of appropriate use, for which all users are responsible.

Email General Information

Internet/Email is available on all PCs throughout the campus, providing direct internet access. Wireless access is also available throughout designated sections of the campus.


Some Davenport University locations require a parking permit. Some locations charge a fee to obtain a parking permit. Unauthorized automobiles and those not parked according to regulations may be ticketed, towed, and/or fined. Charges may be applied directly to a student’s account. Students may be processed judicially for noncompliance with the University’s Parking Policy. Driving that is deemed unacceptable by the University, including (but not limited to) reckless, careless, or negligent driving, may result in the loss of parking privileges and possible probation or dismissal for the student or students involved. The University assumes no liability for property damage, loss of articles, or bodily injury resulting from the use of the parking facilities. Designated handicapped parking spaces are available.

Additional regulations associated with driving and parking on campus are noted below:

  • Motor vehicles shall be parked only in lot(s) as designated by the parking permit issued by Public Safety.
  • Parking on driveways, roadways, sidewalks, lawns, and within yellow zones, whether posted or not, is strictly prohibited. Parking in zones designated for University personnel including maintenance, Residence Life Staff, Wellness Center Staff or Public Safety is also strictly prohibited.
  • Motorcycles and mopeds shall be parked only in designated parking lots. Motorcycles and mopeds may not park at bike racks.
  • Tailgating: while support of our Athletic teams is highly encouraged, any form of tailgating that is disruptive, disorderly, and/or that detrimentally impacts the University community or causes danger is strictly prohibited. Consistent with University policy, the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol is strictly prohibited while tailgating.
  • For general maintenance or snow removal, all members of the University community may be asked to remove a vehicle from a lot and/or be provided notice of a lot closure and vehicle displacement for a temporary period. Compliance with any request of this nature is expected.

Service Animals

Service animals are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as dogs, or in limited circumstances, miniature horses, that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of and to accommodate the functional needs of an individual with a disability. The work or task a service animal performs must be directly related to the person’s disability.

Emotional Support Animals

Often called assistance animals. These animals are not specifically trained to perform tasks related to a student’s disability. Emotional Support Animals do provide emotional support and comfort to a student with a disability-related need for assistance within the student’s place of dwelling. Students seeking an emotional support animal need to officially request this accommodation through Student Access for approval.

School Closing for Inclement Weather

When weather conditions or emergencies such as power or equipment failures make it inadvisable to either hold classes or open University buildings, announcements will be made on local television and radio stations as well as the Davenport website and the DU Alert system. The DU Alert system is a manual process, so please review the DU Alert website. Students and staff should check carefully for information about the campus they attend or work at since some campuses may close while others remain open.

Student Illness Statement

As permitted by law, the University reserves the right to require students who contract a contagious disease to withdraw from the University until they present a doctor’s statement that they are no longer infectious to others.

Posting Policy

Bulletin boards are located at campuses to share information regarding University sponsored or sanctioned events. Poster content should meet established standards and include relevant information. To post on any designated bulletin board at the W.A. Lettinga Campus, posters should be submitted for approval online through Engage@DU. At other campuses, those interested in posting information should contact Student Services at their respective campus regarding the approval process. The entire policy is available here.

Use of the Davenport University Name and Logo

All information regarding proper and allowable use of the Davenport University name and associated logos can be found at the Davenport University Brand website or by contacting the University’s Marketing Department at (616) 732-1170.


Although general admission to Davenport University does not require proof of vaccination, students are encouraged to discuss the timing, risks, and benefits of vaccination with their healthcare providers. Students entering the College of Health Professions will need to view the College of Health Professions handbook for health requirements which include vaccination requirements.

Telephone Messages and Usage

Students who receive an emergency telephone call will be notified in class. Please inform family, friends, etc., that emergency phone messages are for true emergencies only.

Use of University Buildings and Equipment

Campus facilities are open throughout the day and evening for the convenience of our students. Non-academic use of the facilities by groups must be approved by the campus administration.

If classroom equipment is not operating properly, it must be reported to the instructor immediately. Classroom equipment may not be tampered with or removed. Any costs resulting from damage or loss due to unauthorized movement or tampering with equipment will be the responsibility of the student(s) involved.

A clear distinction is made between classroom and office equipment at each campus. Office equipment such as photocopiers, fax machines, postage meters, and office computers is not for general student use. Photocopies can be purchased for a nominal fee in designated campus offices.

Student Arbitration Policy

It is the policy of Davenport University (the “University”) to encourage whenever possible the use of internal dispute resolution processes to resolve student disputes and to utilize arbitration to resolve such disputes where internal processes are unsuccessful.

The University believes that arbitration of student disputes is an effective alternative to litigation for all concerned. The arbitration process offers several advantages to both students and the University. Binding arbitration is normally much faster and simpler than court proceedings. Because of this, it is also less costly.

It is vital to understand that this Student Arbitration Policy (the “Policy”) does not create or destroy any legal rights; it changes only the forum in which those rights will be resolved. In other words, neither the University nor the student may go to court or to an administrative agency to resolve a dispute subject to this Policy, except as noted in paragraph 6 below. Both the University and the student will be obligated to pursue exclusively through arbitration any and all claims that they might otherwise bring in a court of law or before an administrative agency.

  1. Relationship to the Complaint Resolution Process. The Student Code, together with the University policies and procedures (collectively, the “Internal Process”) as identified in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog, contains the University’s dispute resolution procedure for students. The Internal Process uses different techniques, ranging from discussions with a student’s professor or faculty member to a more formal review, to resolve disputes. This Policy is not part of the Internal Process. It is, instead, a separate and freestanding University policy. If applicable, the student must first utilize and exhaust the Internal Process before a demand for arbitration can be made under this Policy, unless the University agrees in writing to bypass one or more of the steps of the Internal Process.
  2. Arbitration Proceedings. Any and all disputes or disagreements between the student and the University relating to any Covered Claim (as defined below) shall be resolved by arbitration conducted pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). The arbitration process shall be administered by the AAA. The arbitrator shall issue a written decision that shall include a rationale supporting the decision, findings of fact, and conclusions of law. The decision shall be final and binding on the parties, and judgment may be entered on the arbitrator’s decision in a court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in a confidential manner. Arbitration shall constitute the sole and exclusive forum for the resolution of any and all disputes relating to Covered Claims.
  3. Waiver of Judge or Jury Trial. By virtue of a student’s acceptance of this Policy on the Application for Admission and becoming enrolled or continuing to attend the University, the student and the University mutually agree to submit to final and binding arbitration all Covered Claims which they have against each other that would otherwise be brought in state or federal court or an administrative agency. Consequently, both the student and the University expressly waive any right to have any Covered Claim resolved in a court of law by a judge, through a jury trial, or before an administrative agency.

  4. Time for Filing Claims. To demand arbitration of a Covered Claim, the demanding party must provide written notice to the other party no later than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from the date when the Covered Claim first arose or within the time period provided by law, if that time period is less than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days. A student’s demand for arbitration must be directed to the University’s Provost. The University’s demand will be directed to the Student’s last known address. A party’s failure to make a timely written demand for arbitration means that the party’s claims have been forever waived and can no longer be pursued against the other party in any forum.
  5. Covered Claims. A “Covered Claim”, for purposes of this Policy, means any claim that could be brought in state or federal court or administrative agency arising out of, or relating to, the student’s attendance at the University, except as noted in paragraph 6 below.
    1. Covered Claims include, but are not limited to, claims involving laws against discrimination, including discrimination based upon sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, age, or any other category protected by state or federal law; claims based on admission, enrollment, class participation, suspension, expulsion, academic standards, or other academic matters; contract claims; tort claims; failure to educate claims; claims against current or former University Trustees, officers, employees, or contractors related in any way to Covered Claims; and claims for an alleged violation of any federal, state, or other governmental law, common law, statute, regulation, or ordinance.
    2. All procedural issues and questions of arbitrability relating to a Covered Claim shall also be submitted to the arbitrator, not the court, for resolution.
    3. Each party may request such remedies, damages, or other relief allowable by the state and/or federal law applicable to their Covered Claim.
  6. Federal Direct Loans. The University agrees that neither it nor anyone else will use this policy to stop you from bringing a lawsuit concerning the University’s acts or omissions regarding the making of a Federal Direct Loan or the provision by the University of educational services for which the Federal Direct Loan was obtained. A student may file a lawsuit for such a claim or be a member of a class action lawsuit for such a claim even if the student did not file it. This provision does not apply to lawsuits concerning other claims. The University agrees that only the court is to decide whether a claim asserted in the lawsuit is a claim regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan for the provision of educational services for which the loan was obtained.
  7. Miscellaneous. This Policy constitutes the sole method for the resolution of Covered Claims. If any provision of this Policy is found to be void or is otherwise unenforceable, in whole or in part, it shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Policy, which will remain in full force and effect. The Student understands that this Policy also is binding on any individual or entity claiming by or through the Student or on the Student’s behalf.

Issue Resolution Process

Davenport University is committed to a process that provides for the opportunity for the prompt and equitable resolution of all student complaints and issues to the satisfaction of both the reporting individual and the greater Davenport University community. The Issue Resolution Procedure is designed to provide the University community with both an informal and formal process whereby a member of the University community may request the review and resolution of a concern if satisfactory resolution has not been reached by way of the daily problem-solving activities which, in most cases, should result in immediate resolution. Members of the University community are encouraged to address any concerns immediately with the supervisor of the area where the issue or complaint lies; timely and candid discussions best assures that a minor problem does not develop into a major one. Refer to the entire Issue Resolution Process on the DU website.