Sep 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions


Course numbers that end in “D” are Dual Language courses reserved for those in bilingual programs.

Courses offered online may have the book cost billed with tuition and fees.

Courses sections designated with EL (Experiential Learning) or SL (Service Learning) may require from 10-20 hours of time commitment per semester outside of class meetings. Students may find EL or SL designated courses by reviewing the DU course schedule.


Guide To Electives    



Marketing - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • MKTG 212D - Professional Selling DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 212D - Venta Profesional DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso presenta la teoría y la aplicación práctica de técnicas de venta profesionales con un enfoque en las necesidades, el comportamiento y la construcción de relaciones del cliente. Los estudiantes aprenden la teoría, la práctica y los procedimientos de ventas exitosas mientras examinan los atributos personales necesarios para una carrera de ventas exitosa. Las habilidades de presentación de los estudiantes se mejoran mediante juegos de roles de ventas.

    This course introduces the theory and practical application of professional selling techniques with a focus on customer needs, behavior, and relationship building. Students learn the theory, practice, and procedures of successful selling while examining the personal attributes necessary for a successful sales career. Student presentation skills are enhanced through sales role-playing.


    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 211D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 214D - Public Relations Foundations DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 214D - Fundamentos de Relaciones Públicas DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso presenta los principios para gerenciar las relaciones con las diversas audiencias de la organización, incluidos clientes, empleados, gobierno, inversores y medios. Los estudiantes desarrollan una comprensión de las relaciones públicas y aprenden a reconocer, examinar, interpretar e implementar actividades y comunicaciones de relaciones públicas.

    This course introduces the principles for managing relationships with the organization’s various audiences, including customers, employees, government, investors, and media. Students develop an understanding of public relations and learn to recognize, examine, interpret, and implement public relations activities and communications.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 211D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 310D - Consumer Behavior DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 310D - Comportamiento del Consumidor DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso proporciona un examen exhaustivo del comportamiento de compra del consumidor en relación con la estrategia de mercadeo. Los estudiantes aprenden factores económicos, psicológicos y sociológicos actuales que ayudan a explicar el comportamiento del consumidor; examinar modelos, teorías e investigaciones relacionadas con el comportamiento del consumidor; y aplicar principios de comportamiento del consumidor al mercadeo objetivo.

    This course provides a comprehensive examination of consumer buying behavior as it relates to marketing strategy. Students learn current economic, psychological, and sociological factors that help explain consumer behavior; examine models, theories, and research that relate to consumer behavior; and apply consumer behavior principles to target marketing.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 211D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 312D - Digital Retailing DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 312D - Venta Digital Al Por Menor DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso proporciona una revisión integral del comercio digital al por menor en su aplicación a productos y servicios de consumo. A través del estudio de varios participantes de la industria, desde minoristas en línea dominantes como Amazon hasta sitios web de ventas individuales como Etsy, los estudiantes se familiarizarán con las últimas tendencias de venta minorista digital, incluido el comercio social, el comercio móvil, el mercadeo omnicanal y otros. Una parte importante del curso se dedicará a examinar los aspectos únicos del comportamiento del consumidor en relación con las compras en línea y al uso de la investigación disponible en este campo para aumentar las ganancias minoristas en línea.

    This course provides a comprehensive review of digital retailing as it applies to consumer products and services. Through the study of various industry participants, from dominant online retailers such as Amazon to individual-driven selling websites like Etsy, students will become familiar with the latest digital retailing trends including social commerce, mobile commerce, omnichannel marketing, and others. A significant portion of the course will be dedicated to examining the unique aspects of consumer behavior as it relates to online shopping and to using available research in this field to increase online retail profits.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 322D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 320D - Marketing of Services DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 320D - Mercadeo de Servicios DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso proporciona un examen en profundidad de las estrategias, funciones y programas de mercadeo dirigidos específicamente a organizaciones de servicios. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre el comportamiento del consumidor en encuentros de servicios y el posicionamiento de los servicios en mercados competitivos. También se examinan los métodos de fijación de precios, distribución y promoción que difieren de las prácticas tradicionales de mercadeo de productos y se integran con ellas. Utilizando estudios de casos, los estudiantes aprenden a diagnosticar y analizar planes de mercadeo de servicios con técnicas como mapeo de posiciones, marca de servicios, precios basados en costos y valores, comunicaciones de mercadeo integradas y análisis de canales de distribución. El curso también aborda cuestiones éticas y mejores prácticas relacionadas con el mercadeo de servicios. El curso culmina con el desarrollo de un plan de mercadeo para una empresa u organización de servicios.

    This course provides an in-depth examination of marketing strategies, functions and programs specifically targeting service organizations. Students learn about consumer behavior in service encounters, and positioning of services in competitive markets. Pricing, distribution and promotional methods that both differ from and integrate with traditional product marketing practices are also examined. Using case studies, students learn to diagnose and analyze service marketing plans with techniques such as position mapping, service branding, cost and value-based pricing, integrated marketing communications and distribution channel analysis. The course also addresses ethical issues and best practices related to the marketing of services. The course culminates with the development of a marketing plan for a service business or organization.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 211D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 322D - Digital Marketing DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 322D - Mercadeo Digital  DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso ofrece una descripción general de las estrategias y técnicas de mercadeo en línea. Los temas principales incluyen operar en un mercado global, mercadeo en línea para individuos con servicios de personalización, generación de tráfico y marca.

    This course offers an overview of online marketing strategies and techniques. Main topics include operating in a global marketplace, online marketing to individuals with personalization services, traffic building and branding.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): CISP 111D   and MKTG 211D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 324D - Social Media Strategies DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 324D - Estrategias de Redes Sociales DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso proporciona un examen exhaustivo de las redes sociales como parte integral del plan de mercadeo de cada organización. Los estudiantes aprenderán a utilizar las redes sociales como parte de una estrategia de mercadeo unificada. También aprovecharán los aspectos únicos de estas nuevas herramientas de mercadeo para lograr los objetivos organizacionales. Una parte esencial de este curso es la interpretación de las métricas de las redes sociales para tomar decisiones de mercadeo acertadas.

    This course provides a thorough examination of social media as an integral part of every organization’s marketing plan. Students will learn how to use social media as part of a unified marketing strategy. They will also leverage the unique aspects of these new marketing tools to accomplish organizational objectives. An essential part of this course is the interpretation of social media metrics to make sound marketing decisions.


    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 322D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 346D - Digital Brand Engagement DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 346D - Interacción con la Marca Digital DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso presenta a los estudiantes las diversas estrategias de marca que utilizan las organizaciones para establecer y reforzar el valor de la marca. Los estudiantes compararán las diversas tácticas disponibles para comprender cómo reforzar mejor la presencia de marca de una organización.  Los estudiantes también comprenderán cómo aprovechar el mercadeo de contenidos para integrarlo en la estrategia de marca. Los estudiantes también comprenderán la importancia de mensajes coherentes para crear una percepción de marca coherente.

    This course introduces students to the various branding strategies organizations use to establish and reinforce brand equity. Students will compare the various tactics available to understand how to best reinforce an organization’s brand presence. Students will also understand how to leverage content marketing to be integrated into branding strategy. Students will also understand the importance of consistent messaging to create consistent brand perception.


    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 322D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 412D - Marketing Research DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 412D - Investigación de Mercado DL

    3 Créditos

    Los estudiantes realizarán, prepararán y presentarán un informe de análisis de la situación actual de una empresa utilizando fuentes primarias y secundarias apropiadas. El curso revisa la naturaleza, los procedimientos, la terminología y la aplicación de la investigación para resolver problemas de mercadeo. Los estudiantes aprenden los pasos de la investigación de mercados, incluida la definición del problema, el diseño de la investigación, los procedimientos de muestreo, los métodos de recopilación de datos, el análisis e interpretación de los datos y el informe de la investigación.

    Students will conduct, prepare, and present an actual situation analysis report for a firm using appropriate primary and secondary sources. The course reviews the nature, procedures, terminology, and application of research in solving marketing problems. Students learn the steps of marketing research, including problem definition, research design, sampling procedures, data collection methods, data analysis and interpretation, and the research report.


    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): BITS 211D  , MKTG 211D  , STAT 220D  , WRIT 311D   and achieved senior status
    Recommended Prerequisite(s): FINC 211D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 421D - International Marketing DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 421D - Mercadeo Internacional DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso es un estudio de las oportunidades y desafíos encontrados en el mercadeo internacional, en diversos ámbitos y grados de participación internacional. Los estudiantes exploran cómo las organizaciones participan y se ven afectadas por la competencia internacional; identificar y analizar segmentos del mercado internacional y diferencias culturales relacionadas; evaluar el valor de mercado; y desarrollar estrategias de mercadeo relevantes para diversos segmentos internacionales.

    This course is a study of the opportunities and challenges encountered in international marketing, at various scopes and degrees of international involvement. Students explore how organizations participate in and are affected by international competition; identify and analyze international market segments and related cultural difference; assess market value; and develop marketing strategies relevant to various international segments.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 211D   and WRIT 311D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 425D - Search Engine Marketing and Analysis DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 425D - Análisis y Mercadeo de Motores de Búsqueda DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso se basa en los conceptos fundamentales del mercadeo digital para cubrir el mercadeo de motores de búsqueda (SEM) y la optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) con mayor profundidad. Durante la primera mitad del curso, los estudiantes aprenderán cómo mejorar el tráfico del sitio web mediante el uso de tácticas de SEO, mercadeo de contenidos, administración de redes sociales y otros esfuerzos no remunerados. La segunda mitad del curso estará dedicada a los esfuerzos pagados, incluida la creación de campañas de pago por clic utilizando plataformas SEM populares. Los estudiantes aprenderán a interpretar análisis de tráfico y otras métricas para analizar el rendimiento de la campaña. El objetivo del mercadeo de búsqueda es ganar tráfico y visibilidad para los sitios web y el contenido.

    This course builds on the foundational concepts from digital marketing to cover search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) in more depth. During the first half of the course students will learn how to improve website traffic through the use of SEO tactics, content marketing, social media management, and other unpaid efforts. The second half of the course will be dedicated to paid efforts, including the creation of pay-per-click campaigns using popular SEM platforms. Students will learn to interpret traffic analytics and other metrics in order to analyze campaign performance. The goal of search marketing is to gain traffic and visibility for websites and content.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 322D  

3 Credits
  • MKTG 440D - Strategic Marketing DL

    3 Credits
    MKTG 440D - Mercadeo Estratégico DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso final de mercadeo se centra en la toma de decisiones. Los estudiantes integrarán el material aprendido en sus cursos de mercadeo y aplicarán las definiciones, conceptos y lógica de mercadeo en el análisis de problemas de mercadeo. Dentro del formato de análisis de casos se utilizará una variedad de técnicas que incluyen análisis de situación, análisis FODA, investigación secundaria y análisis financiero apropiado para desarrollar objetivos, estrategias y programas de mercadeo. El curso incluirá el uso de simulaciones y el desarrollo de un plan de mercadeo formal.

    This marketing capstone course focuses on decision-making. Students will integrate material learned in their marketing courses and apply the definitions, concepts, and marketing logic in the analysis of marketing problems. A variety of techniques including situation analysis, SWOT analysis, secondary research and appropriate financial analysis will be used within the case analysis format to develop marketing objectives, strategies, and programs. The course will include the use of simulations and the development of a formal marketing plan.


    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Fees: Aplican tarifas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 211D , MKTG 211D , MKTG 412D  and achieved senior status.

3 Credits
  • MKTG 490D - Marketing BBA Internship DL

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Asista al taller de pasantía obligatorio al menos dos semestres antes del semestre del curso de pasantía deseado. El taller de pasantía requerido y el proceso de aprobación se puede encontrar en:

    Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:


    MKTG 490D - Pasantía de BBA Mercadeo DL

    3 Créditos

    Esta pasantía a nivel de licenciatura es la integración de la instrucción previa en el salón de clase con el nuevo aprendizaje adquirido a través de la experiencia laboral en el trabajo. La experiencia debe estar lo más estrechamente relacionada posible con la especialidad y el interés individual del estudiante. Se requerirán 150 horas de trabajo relacionado con la carrera para el curso de 3 créditos cursado. Las horas de prácticas serán programadas en colaboración entre el estudiante y el sitio y reportadas mediante informes semanales presentados por el estudiante en el curso académico. Se apoyará a los estudiantes para identificar posibilidades del sitio, sin embargo, la responsabilidad de la selección por parte del empleador de la pasantía recae en el estudiante. La pasantía puede ser remunerada o no remunerada. Un miembro de la facultad apropiado y el supervisor del sitio de pasantías evaluarán el desempeño del estudiante. El sitio de pasantías puede exigir una verificación de antecedentes penales y una prueba de detección de drogas.

    This bachelor-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the- job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. 150 hours of career-related work time shall be required for the 3 credit course pursued. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.

    Grade Note(s): Cualquier ausencia injustificada o despido de una pasantía resultará en una calificación de F. Se requiere una calificación de C o mejor para aprobar este curso.

    Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Fees: Aplican tarifas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): GPA mínimo acumulativo de 2.0 y GPA mínimo mayor de 2.3; todos los cursos de Fundamentos de Negocios completados; y al menos 18 créditos en la especialidad, incluyendo MKTG 322D  .

    Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3; all Foundations of Business courses completed; and at least 18 credits in the major, including MKTG 322D  .

3 Credits


  • MATH 030 - Elementary Algebra

    3 Credits
    A second pre-college level course intended for students who possess strong arithmetic skills and have had a course in pre-algebra. This course is designed to build and strengthen students’ proficiency in foundational algebraic concepts and applications. Topics include solving linear and quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, and linear inequalities. The course will also address simplifying radicals, laws of integer exponents, and the study of linear equations in two variables. Particular attention will be given to applications of this material in the business, technology, and/or health professions (specifically drug dose calculations); hence, the mastery of these skills is an essential component of academic and career success.
    Grade Note(s): This course is graded A - C or NC but the earned grade is not used in calculating semester or cumulative GPA.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • MATH 120 - College Mathematics

    3 Credits
    Students in this course will explore and apply college-level mathematical concepts so as to enhance their critical and creative thinking skills. This course aims to increase students’ appreciation of the utility and application of mathematics. Topics will include i) problem solving, ii) set theory and real numbers, iii) linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and iv) probability. Other topics of interest will be selected from graph theory, prime numbers, logic, number representation, and voting theory.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Appropriate test scores, placement criteria, or successful completion of MATH 030  .
3 Credits
  • MATH 120L - College Mathematics Lab

    0 Credits
    This course is a zero-credit hour lab providing supplemental instruction for MATH 120 . It is a three contact-hour lab utilized in the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) designed to move students placed in MATH 030  directly into MATH 120 . Students must enroll in both this course and a paired MATH 120  section.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Co-requisite(s): MATH 120  
0 Credits
  • MATH 130 - Contemporary Applied Mathematics

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to systematic mathematical thinking in everyday life scenarios. Through a non-traditional exploratory approach, students apply mathematical concepts to social and professional situations. Students learn to apply mathematical problem solving to planning, scheduling, efficient producing, and voting. Students learn the basic concepts of cryptography, logic, and number systems and their applications to computer science and the internet. Students will also utilize, discuss, and compare various consumer finance models.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120  
3 Credits
  • MATH 135 - College Algebra

    3 Credits
    This course is intended to further develop students’ algebraic skills as well as prepare them for success in MATH 210  (Business Calculus). The course focuses heavily on the necessary knowledge of mathematical concepts needed to solve a diverse and complex array of scenarios. These include polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their properties. In addition, students will solve logarithmic and exponential equations, learn the symmetry of graphs, and sequences and series of numbers. Applications to the business, health, and/or technology professions will be emphasized throughout the course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): C grade or better MATH 120  
3 Credits
  • MATH 140 - Finite Mathematics

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to the fundamentals of non-calculus-based mathematics. Applications to Managerial Science and Computer Science serve as motivation for course material. Topics include the mathematics of finance (compound interest and annuities), optimization, and decision-making. The use of spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) to handle more complex calculations will be introduced where appropriate. This course is strongly recommended for students in the Computer Science BS program.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120  
3 Credits
  • MATH 150 - Pre-Calculus

    4 Credits
    This course is designed to prepare students for the traditional calculus sequence. Topics include: brief review of algebra, solving equations and inequalities, systems of linear and nonlinear equations, the properties and graphs of relations and functions (including polynomial, radical, rational, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric), zeros of polynomial functions, trigonometry, conic sections, polar coordinates.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): C grade or better MATH 120  
4 Credits
  • MATH 205 - Applied Linear Algebra

    4 Credits
    This course introduces the fundamentals of linear algebra (i.e., the notation and algebra of vector spaces and matrices). Because these items have the ability to handle masses of data as a single unit with relative ease, they are of particular interest to those in computer science. Those applications to programming (e.g., 3-D game design, simulation, and biometric security) will serve as context throughout the course. Topics include matrix operations, linear transformations, vector spaces, and 3D geometry.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 135  or MATH 150 
4 Credits
  • MATH 210 - Business Calculus

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to calculus within the context of business applications. Particular focus will be given to questions involving optimization, marginal analysis, point of diminishing returns, and elasticity of demand. Calculus is a common prerequisite of many MBA programs.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 135  or MATH 150 
3 Credits
  • MATH 215 - Calculus I

    4 Credits
    This course covers differential calculus and an introduction to integral calculus. Topics include: limits and continuity, the definition of the derivative, rules and techniques of differentiation, applications of the derivative (including motion, L’Hôpital’s Rule, curve sketching, optimization, and related rates), antiderivatives, Riemann sums, the definition of the definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and elementary methods and applications of integration.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 150 
4 Credits
  • MATH 216 - Calculus II

    4 Credits
    This course covers methods and applications of integral calculus, improper integrals, sequences and series including theory and applications of Taylor series, and an introduction to differential equations.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 215  with C grade or better
4 Credits
  • MATH 250 - Discrete Structures

    3 Credits
    This course applies fundamental ideas in discrete structures and mathematical reasoning. Topics include elementary logic and set theory, functions and relations, induction and recursion, elementary algorithm analysis, counting techniques, and introduction to computability. Fundamental techniques include graph theory, Boolean algebra, and trees. Techniques and topics will form the foundation for subsequent programming language courses.
    Prerequisite(s): CISP 111 , MATH 130  or MATH 135  or MATH 150  
3 Credits
  • MATH 260 - College Geometry

    3 Credits
    This course covers the essential topics of Euclidean geometry including i) axiomatic definitions of points, lines, angles, planes, and geometric shapes, ii) derivations and applications of formulas involving perimeter, area, surface area, and volume for two- and three-dimensional shapes, iii) proving theorems using concepts of parallel and perpendicular lines, congruence, and similarity, and iv) conic sections. The course will also include an exploration of non-Euclidean geometries including hyperbolic and spherical geometry.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120  
3 Credits
  • MATH 317 - Calculus III

    4 Credits
    This course covers polar coordinates, three-dimensional Euclidean space including lines, planes and space curves, vector operations, multivariable scalar and vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, line and surface integrals, multiple integrals, and Green’s, Stokes and the divergence theorems.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 215  with C grade or better
4 Credits
  • MATH 350 - Differential Equations with Modeling

    4 Credits
    This course covers applications and solutions of first order differential equations including graphical solutions, applications and solutions of second order linear differential equations, systems of first order linear differential equations, theory and techniques of linearization, and graphical solutions to first order systems of nonlinear differential equations. The emphasis throughout will be using differential equations to model and predict the behavior of natural processes.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 215  with C grade or better
    Co-requisite(s): MATH 205 
4 Credits
  • MATH 381 - International Mathematics

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores mathematics in an international context. Students learn about mathematics while studying in another country. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate division chair.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • MATH 382 - International Mathematics

    3 Credits
    This course explores mathematics in an international context. Students learn about mathematics while studying in another country. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate division chair.
3 Credits
  • MATH 383 - International Mathematics

    3 Credits
    This course explores mathematics in an international context. Students learn about mathematics while studying in another country. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate division chair.
3 Credits
  • MATH 385 - Math Special Topics

    1 TO 4 Credits
    Students in this course will explore topics of special interest in mathematics that are not covered in other courses. Students will demonstrate proficiency on their chosen topic through projects, papers, and presentations. Credit will be determined by the instructor and the student and will be based on contact hours and workload. Consent of Department Chair is required.
    Note: This course may be taken for a maximum of 6 credits.
1 TO 4 Credits
  • MATH 440 - Math Structures and Proofs

    4 Credits
    This course serves as a bridge from lower level undergraduate mathematics courses (calculus sequence, differential equations, linear algebra) which concentrate on applications to the upper level proof-based courses (especially Real Analysis, Algebraic Structures) which concentrate on concepts and the writing of proofs. In particular, it models, motivates and leads the student through the writing of proofs involving sets, functions, concepts of abstract algebra (equivalence relations, modulo arithmetic, groups), concepts of real analysis (limit, continuity, sequences), and the infinite.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 215 
4 Credits

Mathematics - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • MATH 120D - College Mathematics DL

    3 Credits
    MATH 120D - Matemáticas Universitarias DL

    3 Créditos

    Los estudiantes en este curso explorarán y aplicarán conceptos matemáticos de nivel universitario para mejorar sus habilidades de pensamiento crítico y creativo. Este curso tiene como objetivo aumentar la apreciación de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad y aplicación de las matemáticas. Los temas incluirán i) resolución de problemas, ii) teoría de conjuntos y números reales, iii) funciones lineales, cuadráticas, exponenciales y logarítmicas, y iv) probabilidad. Se seleccionarán otros temas de interés entre la teoría de grafos, los números primos, la lógica, la representación de números y la teoría de la votación.

    Students in this course will explore and apply college-level mathematical concepts so as to enhance their critical and creative thinking skills. This course aims to increase students’ appreciation of the utility and application of mathematics. Topics will include i) problem solving, ii) set theory and real numbers, iii) linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and iv) probability. Other topics of interest will be selected from graph theory, prime numbers, logic, number representation, and voting theory.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Fees: Aplican cuotas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Puntuación de examen apropiado, criterios de ubicación o finalización exitosa de MATH 030 .

    Appropriate test scores, placement criteria, or successful completion of MATH 030 .

3 Credits
  • MATH 135D - College Algebra DL

    3 Credits
     MATH 135D - Álgebra Universitaria DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso tiene como objetivo desarrollar aún más las habilidades algebraicas de los estudiantes y prepararlos para el éxito en MATH 210 (Cálculo Empresarial). El curso se centra en gran medida en el conocimiento necesario de los conceptos matemáticos necesarios para resolver una gama diversa y compleja de escenarios. Estas incluyen funciones polinomiales, racionales, exponenciales y logarítmicas y sus propiedades. Además, los estudiantes resolverán ecuaciones logarítmicas y exponenciales, aprenderán la simetría de gráficas y secuencias y series de números. A lo largo del curso se enfatizarán las aplicaciones a las profesiones de negocios, salud y/o tecnología.

    This course is intended to further develop students’ algebraic skills as well as prepare them for success in MATH 210 (Business Calculus). The course focuses heavily on the necessary knowledge of mathematical concepts needed to solve a diverse and complex array of scenarios. These include polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their properties. In addition, students will solve logarithmic and exponential equations, learn the symmetry of graphs, and sequences and series of numbers. Applications to the business, health, and/or technology professions will be emphasized throughout the course.

    Fees: Aplican tarifas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Calificación de C o mejor MATH 120D  

    C grade or better MATH 120D  

3 Credits
  • MATH 140D - Finite Mathematics DL

    3 Credits
    MATH 140D - Matemáticas Finitas DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso introduce a los estudiantes a los fundamentos de las matemáticas no basadas en cálculo. Las aplicaciones a las Ciencias de Gerencia y la Informática sirven como motivación para el material del curso. Los temas incluyen las matemáticas de las finanzas (interés compuesto y anualidades), optimización y toma de decisiones. Cuando sea apropiado, se introducirá el uso de hojas de cálculo (Microsoft Excel) para manejar cálculos más complejos. Este curso se recomienda encarecidamente para estudiantes del programa de Licenciatura en Ciencias de Computación.

    This course introduces students to the fundamentals of non-calculus-based mathematics. Applications to Managerial Science and Computer Science serve as motivation for course material. Topics include the mathematics of finance (compound interest and annuities), optimization, and decision-making. The use of spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) to handle more complex calculations will be introduced where appropriate. This course is strongly recommended for students in the Computer Science BS program.

    Fees: Aplican tarifas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120D  

3 Credits
  • MATH 150D - Pre-Calculus DL

    4 Credits
    MATH 150D - Pre-Cálculo DL

    4 Créditos

    Este curso está diseñado para preparar a los estudiantes para la secuencia de cálculo tradicional. Los temas incluyen: breve repaso de álgebra, resolución de ecuaciones y desigualdades, sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y no lineales, propiedades y gráficas de relaciones y funciones (incluidas polinomiales, radicales, racionales, logarítmicas, exponenciales y trigonométricas), ceros de funciones polinómicas, trigonometría, secciones cónicas, coordenadas polares.

    This course is designed to prepare students for the traditional calculus sequence. Topics include: brief review of algebra, solving equations and inequalities, systems of linear and nonlinear equations, the properties and graphs of relations and functions (including polynomial, radical, rational, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric), zeros of polynomial functions, trigonometry, conic sections, polar coordinates.

    Fees: Aplican cuotas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Calificación de C o mejor MATH 120D  

    C grade or better MATH 120D  

4 Credits
  • MATH 215D - Calculus I DL

    4 Credits
    MATH 215D - Cálculo I DL

    4 Créditos

    Este curso cubre el cálculo diferencial y una introducción al cálculo integral. Los temas incluyen: límites y continuidad, la definición de la derivada, reglas y técnicas de diferenciación, aplicaciones de la derivada (incluido el movimiento, la regla de L’Hôpital, trazado de curvas, optimización y tasas relacionadas), antiderivadas, sumas de Riemann, la definición de la integral definida, el teorema fundamental del cálculo y métodos y aplicaciones elementales de integración.

    This course covers differential calculus and an introduction to integral calculus. Topics include: limits and continuity, the definition of the derivative, rules and techniques of differentiation, applications of the derivative (including motion, L’Hôpital’s Rule, curve sketching, optimization, and related rates), antiderivatives, Riemann sums, the definition of the definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and elementary methods and applications of integration.

    Fees: Aplican cuotas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 150D  

4 Credits

Medical Assisting

  • MEDA 254 - Clinical Patient Care

    3 Credits
    In this course, the student is introduced to the theoretical and applicable procedures of ambulatory care practices including legal, and ethical clinical aspects of patient care. Emphasis is placed on obtaining accurate clinical and historical patient data, patient education and safety, assisting with medical office procedures and minor office surgeries, assigning diagnostic and procedural codes to corresponding conditions and procedures, and the application of sterile technique. In addition, the student will gain an understanding of body mechanics, patient assessment, physical modalities, electrocardiography, drug calculations and administration, and principles of IV therapy. Clinical experiences will encompass the physical and psychosocial developmental stages and needs of various patient populations. This course requires one hour of lecture and four hours of lab per week. DU scrubs are required for this course.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Note: Must provide documentation of immunizations, including HBV or a signed waiver and a negative TB test.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 116  and HLTH 101M  
3 Credits
  • MEDA 255 - Clinical Laboratory Procedures

    3 Credits
    This course will introduce the theory and techniques involved with basic laboratory procedures such as urinalysis, hematology, blood chemistry and microbiology. Emphasis will be placed on patient instruction, specimen collection, specimen processing, and documenting. Standard precautions, legal and ethical considerations, and OSHA standards are applied in the performance of venipuncture, capillary punctures, specimen handling and processing of bodily fluids, and equipment usage.This course requires one hour of lecture and four hours of lab per week. DU scrubs are required for this course.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course ­successfully.
    Note: Must provide documentation of immunizations, including HBV or a signed waiver and a negative TB test.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 116  and HLTH 101M  
3 Credits
  • MEDA 259 - Medical Office Applications

    3 Credits
    Students will master the administrative duties of medical office management. This will include communication skills both verbal and non-verbal, computerized office management, scheduling, accounting practices, financial management, third party billing and reimbursement, and daily operations. Students will have hands-on interaction in the use of electronic medical records. This course requires two hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course ­successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • MEDA 290 - Medical Assisting Practicum

    4 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Contact the Practicum Coordinator two semesters in advance of taking this course to begin the approval process. Approval for enrollment in the course is required by the Program Director.
    This experience is designed to prepare the student for successful employment as a certified Medical Assistant. The student will gain clinical and administrative experience while working 180 hours in a health care facility outside the institution. Unless approved by the Program Director, no compensation shall be awarded and evaluations will be completed by the facility supervisor in conjunction with the assigned faculty member. In addition, this course will include preparation for and mandatory registration for either the American Medical Assisting Association Certification Exam (CMA) or the American Medical Technologist’s Registered Medical Assistant Exam (RMA). This course requires two hours of lecture and at least twelve hours of clinical experience per week. To meet course requirements, the student is required to be available during normal business hours (i.e. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). DU scrubs and name badge are required for this course.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): MEDA 254 , MEDA 255 , MEDA 259  and must have Associate Department Chair/Program Director approval including skills verification plus the completion of the Criminal Background Check and an updated Clinical Student Disclosure Statement is required.
4 Credits


  • NETW 101 - PC Operating Systems

    3 Credits
    This course is a general overview of microcomputer operating systems. A basic understanding of computers and the use of Windows is assumed. Emphasis is on operating system concepts, management, maintenance, and resources required. Topics covered include installing and maintaining operating systems, creation of batch files or scripts, customizing and troubleshooting a computer system, and managing files and disks. Upon completion of this course, students will have an understanding of OS concepts, installation, management, maintenance, using a variety of operating systems.
    Recommended Prerequisite(s): CISP 100 

3 Credits
  • NETW 141 - MS Client and Server OS

    3 Credits
    This course covers installing, configuring, and administering Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems. The course includes extensive use of hands-on exercises.
    Co-requisite(s): NETW 101 
3 Credits
  • NETW 151 - Cisco Networking Fundamentals

    3 Credits
    4 Contact Hours
    This course introduces students to the architecture, structure, functions, and components of the Internet and other computer networks. The principles of IP addressing, the OSI model, and the fundamentals of Ethernet protocols & media are introduced. Students will be able to build simple LANs, perform basic configurations for routers and switches, and implement IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking. This course is the first of three networking courses to prepare students for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification exam.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Co-requisite(s): MATH 120  and NETW 101  
3 Credits
  • NETW 152 - Cisco Routing and Switching

    3 Credits
    4 Contact Hours
    This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in small networks, and introduces WLANs and security concepts. Students will learn to configure and troubleshoot routers and switches and resolve common issues in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Topics covered include VLANs and inter-VLAN routing, EtherChannel, and IPv4 & IPv6 static routing. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking. This course is the second of three networking courses to prepare students for the CCNA certification exam.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 151 
3 Credits
  • NETW 201 - PC Maintenance and Management

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the student to a PC, its components, common troubleshooting techniques, and adjustments. Additional topics include PC and network security methods, computer hardware and software package selection, and managing the PCs within a company-keeping track of all serial numbers, warranties, and software licensing utilizing either a spreadsheet or database. This course is 90% hands-on. This course will not teach students to repair all problems; not all problems can be fixed. This course will also help prepare the student to take the CompTIA A+ examination.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 101 
3 Credits
  • NETW 217 - UNIX Operating Systems

    3 Credits
    This course covers operating system concepts in the UNIX environment. Topics include terminology, UNIX features and commands, UNIX system administration, and UNIX as a network server.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 101 
3 Credits
  • NETW 220 - Data Communications and Networks

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on fundamentals of data communications systems and networks. Topics to be covered will include communications hardware and software, data transmission, protocols to include the LDAP, the OSI Reference Model, local area networks, wide area networks, and the Internet.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120 ; CISP 111  or NETW 101  
3 Credits
  • NETW 235 - UNIX/Linux Server Administration

    3 Credits
    This course builds on previous experience in a UNIX environment to provide students with all the standard and advanced techniques necessary to set up and maintain a secure, effective Linux environment. Emphasis will be on using UNIX/Linux as a network server. Students will create and maintain users and groups, set up web, mail, and FTP services, and perform other UNIX/Linux server administration tasks.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 217 
3 Credits
  • NETW 241 - MS Implement Network Infrastructure

    3 Credits
    This course covers installing and configuring network protocols and services, such as DHCP, DNS, WINS, Remote Access Services, routing, Network Address Translation, and Certificate Services in a Windows Server environment. The course includes extensive use of hands-on exercises.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 141 
3 Credits
  • NETW 243 - MS Administer SQL Server

    3 Credits
    The course covers installation, configuration, administration, and troubleshooting the Microsoft SQL Server database management system. The course includes extensive use of hands-on exercises.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 141 
3 Credits
  • NETW 251 - Cisco Enterprise Networking

    3 Credits
    4 Contact Hours
    This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in a larger and more complex network. Students learn how to configure routers and switches for advanced functionality. The course emphasizes network security concepts and introduces network virtualization and automation. Students learn how to configure, troubleshoot, and secure enterprise network devices and understand how application programming interfaces (API) and configuration management tools enable network automation. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking. This course is the third of three networking courses to prepare students for the CCNA certification exam.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 152 
3 Credits
  • NETW 253 - Cisco Network Programmability

    3 Credits
    Students in this course will be introduced to network automation, and its applications, including the integration of DevOps tools to automate the network efficiently and automate systems through code. Through network programming and automation, students will learn how to simplify tasks involved in configuring, managing, and operating network equipment, topologies, services, and connectivity. Additional topics will include open standards, tools, and network APIs, which may include Python, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol (RESTCONF), and Yet Another Next Generation (YANG).
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): CISP 111  or NETW 101 
3 Credits
  • NETW 290 - Networking Internship

    1 TO 3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This associate-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. The course is variable credit (1, 2 or 3) with 1 credit requiring 50 hours of career-related work time at the internship site; 2 credits require 100 hours and 3 credits require 150 hours. The course may be repeated for up to a total of 3 credits. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. NETW 290 allows students to take an additional internship earlier in their career, but students must also meet the minimum 3 credits of their internship requirement through NETW 490 . Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status; BUSN 210  and NETW 151  or NETW 220 ; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3.
1 TO 3 Credits
  • NETW 311 - Cisco Enterprise Core Network

    4 Credits
    5 Contact Hours
    This course provides students with a broad scope of architectural understanding and implementation skills required by enterprise networks. Students will learn switching, routing, wireless, and related security topics along with the technologies that support software-defined, programmable networks. Topics include: EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP routing protocols; VPNs, QoS, L2 redundancy, and secure wireless networks. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking. This course prepares students for the Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies ( 350- 401 ENCOR) certification exam.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 251  or CCNA
4 Credits
  • NETW 312 - Cisco Network Security

    4 Credits
    5 Contact Hours
    This course introduces network device security. Students will be introduced to the knowledge and skills necessary to install, secure, troubleshoot and monitor network devices and their associated networks to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices. Topics include: secure remote access, Implementing AAA, Site-to-Site Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Cisco IOS Firewall/IPS features, symmetric/asymmetric encryption, and strategies to mitigate Layer 2/3 attacks. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 251  or CCNA
4 Credits
  • NETW 325 - Wireless Networking and Security

    3 Credits
    This course covers the wireless technologies in the networking industry. Topics covered will include planning, installing, configuring, and securing wireless networks. Physical-layer standards and wireless hardware will be examined. Hands-on exercises will reinforce the implementation and troubleshooting of wireless networks.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 101  and NETW 151  or NETW 220  and IAAS 221  or IAAS 224 
3 Credits
  • NETW 326 - IP Telephony

    3 Credits
    This course is a survey of the basics of converged IP communications networks. It provides exposure to technologies common to many IP Telephony implementations, then focuses on the Cisco router based Communications Manager Express (CME) technology to illustrate situations common to small business environments. Specifically, students will learn Cisco Communications Manager Express (CME) architecture, components, functionality, and features as they configure Cisco routers, switches, and IP phones. They will also learn Voice over IP (VoIP) and Quality of Service (QoS) technologies and apply them in a Cisco CME environment. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the prerequisite skills to take applicable certification testing.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 152 
3 Credits
  • NETW 341 - MS Plan and Implement Active Directory

    3 Credits
    This course covers planning, implementing, and administering the Windows Server directory services infrastructure. Hands-on exercises are used to reinforce concepts.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 241 
3 Credits
  • NETW 381 - International Networking

    3 Credits
    This course explores computer networking in an international context. Students learn about networking concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the networking practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 Credits
  • NETW 382 - International Networking

    3 Credits
    This course explores computer networking in an international context. Students learn about networking concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the networking practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 Credits
  • NETW 383 - International Networking

    3 Credits
    This course explores computer networking in an international context. Students learn about networking concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the networking practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 Credits
  • NETW 385 - Networking Special Topics

    3 Credits
    This course will explore an emerging topic in the field of Computer Networking Technology. Students will be able to research and apply knowledge in a new topic relevant to network hardware, operating systems, network administration and design, or network security.
3 Credits
  • NETW 412 - Cisco Network Troubleshooting

    4 Credits
    5 Contact Hours
    This course introduces advanced troubleshooting concepts. Students will gain in-depth knowledge to support the implementation and troubleshooting of advanced routing technologies and services including layer 3 VPN services, infrastructure security and infrastructure services used in enterprise networks. Topics include: troubleshooting OSPF, EIGRP and BGP routing protocols for IPv4 and IPv6; troubleshooting ACLs and Prefix Lists; and configuring and troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 route redistribution. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking. This course prepares students for the Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services ( 300- 410 ENARSI) certification exam.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 311 
4 Credits
  • NETW 435 - Virtualization

    3 Credits
    This course covers planning, deploying, and maintaining server, desktop, and application virtualization. Topics include the configuration and security of virtualized computer and network environments. Commercial and open source virtualization platforms are compared, configured, and secured. Business related benefits of virtualization are discussed and applied. This course includes extensive use of hands-on exercises that simulate real-world computer/networking infrastructures.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 241 
3 Credits
  • NETW 440 - Network Design and Management

    3 Credits
    This course will explore industry best practices for the design and management of network infrastructures. Design topics will include: designing the network topology, IP addressing schemes, selecting network devices, security design strategies, documentation and software tools. Management topics will include: FCAPS, SNMP, RMON, and software\hardware tools. Lab work is designed to simulate real-world networking.
    Prerequisite(s): NETW 152 , NETW 217 , and NETW 241 
3 Credits
  • NETW 490 - Networking Internship

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This bachelor-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. 150 hours of career-related work time shall be required for the 3 credit course pursued. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior status; NETW 151  or NETW 220  and either IAAS 240 , NETW 241  or NETW 251 ; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3.
3 Credits


Registration for any NURS prefixed course requires acceptance to the corresponding nursing program.

* All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. A grade of B- or better is required for successful completion for all NURS courses.

  • NURS 101 - Foundations of Nursing and Critical Thinking

    3 Credits
    This foundational course introduces students to the application of nursing theory in the practice of professional nursing. The student will be guided to utilize critical thinking skills, when applying the nursing process in the care of adult clients, leading to the development of clinical judgment. Evidence-based fundamental nursing concepts, essential to the provision of nursing care, including holism, safety, communication, and basic client needs will be introduced
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 101 and NURS 101C . The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s):  BIOL 110  and BIOL 110L ;  BIOL 221  and BIOL 221L CHEM 150  and CHEM 150L  
    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 222  and BIOL 222L   - May also be taken as a prerequisite.
3 Credits
  • NURS 101C - Foundations of Nursing and Critical Thinking Clinical

    2 Credits
    This course introduces basic knowledge, skills, and critical thinking concepts necessary for delivery of bedside nursing. The student will learn to apply the nursing process and develop beginning clinical judgment in laboratory settings and through direct patient care experiences. The clinical learning objectives focus on meeting the basic healthcare needs of the older adult, chronically ill persons and their families. NURS101C requires 90 hours of clinical time for the semester.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C.The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s):  BIOL 110  & BIOL 110L BIOL 221  & BIOL 221L CHEM 150  & CHEM 150L  
    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 222L  & BIOL 222   - May also be taken as a prerequisite


2 Credits
  • NURS 110 - Advanced Standing Foundations of Nursing

    4 Credits
    This course is for BSN-PL students who meet the eligibility criteria for the VBSN or MA-BSN pathways only and builds upon the knowledge and skills obtained through previous education and experience. Nursing 110 introduces students to the application of nursing theory in professional nursing practice. Evidence-based fundamental nursing concepts essential to the provision of nursing care, including holism, safety, communication, and basic client needs, will be introduced. Health assessment of adults will be reviewed. The nursing process and the foundation for clinical judgment will be emphasized.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass both courses successfully.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 110L  
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221   and BIOL 221L  
    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 222  , BIOL 222L  , CHEM 150  ,CHEM 150L  
4 Credits
  • NURS 110L - Advanced Standing Foundations of Nursing Lab

    1 Credits
    2 Contact Hours
    This course is for BSN-PL students who meet the eligibility criteria for the VBSN or MA-BSN pathways only and builds upon the knowledge and skills obtained through previous education and experience. Nursing 110 Lab is designed to validate prior skill acquisition and provide hands-on instruction for previously un-mastered skills. Foundational nursing skills, as well as health assessment skills, are included.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass both courses successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221   and BIOL 221L  
    BIOL 222  , BIOL 222L  , CHEM 150  , CHEM 150L  
1 Credits
  • NURS 125 - Pharmacology in Nursing Practice I

    2 Credits
    This course is the first part of a two-semester sequence that introduces the basic principles of pharmacology used to safely administer medications and monitor effects of drug therapy. The clinical judgment model and the nursing process are used to highlight the nurse’s role in ensuring safe and effective pharmacological therapies for patients across the lifespan. Students learn the characteristics of select, commonly-used drug prototypes and classifications utilized for various health conditions and disease states.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    BIOL 221  and BIOL 221L CHEM 150  and CHEM 150L  
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C BIOL 211 * and BIOL 211L *; BIOL 222 * and BIOL 222L 

    *May be taken as a prerequisite. 


2 Credits
  • NURS 126 - Pharmacology in Nursing Practice II

    2 Credits

    This course is the second part of a two-semester sequence that reinforces the basic principles of pharmacology used to safely administer medications and monitor effects of drug therapy. The clinical judgment model and the nursing process are used to highlight the nurse’s role in ensuring safe and effective pharmacological therapies for patients across the lifespan. Students learn the characteristics of additional commonly-used drug prototypes and classifications utilized for various health conditions and disease states.

    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 211 , BIOL 211L , NURS 101 , NURS 101C , NURS 125  
    Recommended Co-Requisite(s): BIOL 312   - may also be taken as a prerequisite

2 Credits
  • NURS 135 - Nutrition in Nursing

    2 Credits
    This course is designed to introduce the nursing student to the fundamentals of nutrition. Integration of the nursing process will be achieved through case studies and care plans designed for the adult client with nutritional health needs. This course will define the role of nutrients in the human body, as well as family and community nutrition. A strong emphasis will be placed on clinical nutrition in the acute care setting.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221  and BIOL 221L 
    Co-requisite(s): BIOL 312   - May be taken as a prerequisite.
    Recommended Co-Requisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C  
2 Credits
  • NURS 144 - Nursing of Adults

    4 Credits
    This course covers the normal aging processes, characteristics of aging, special problems associated with aging, and caring for the aging adult. This course also focuses on the health and illness of clients with emotional and psychosocial difficulties and psychiatric illnesses. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the nurse-patient relationship and the therapeutic use of self in the clinical setting through verbal and written communication, and one-on-one interactions in the role of the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Additional emphasis is placed on the LPN’s role in interdisciplinary treatment planning, utilization of the nursing process, and the impact of culture in the care of the aging adult and in mental health illnesses.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 144 and NURS 144C . The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C 
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 135  
4 Credits
  • NURS 144C - Nursing of Adults I Clinical

    4 Credits
    This course focuses on acute nursing care of adult clients with common, less complex medical or surgical health needs. The student will utilize the nursing process to develop critical thinking skills to implement a holistic plan of care to a diverse population with various medical or surgical abnormalities in a structured setting. NURS 144C requires 180 hours of clinical for the semester.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 144  and NURS 144C. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C  
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 135  
4 Credits
  • NURS 165 - Maternal and Child Nursing

    2 Credits
    This course focuses on the psychological and physiological changes occurring in the childbearing client/family as well as normal growth and development in children. The student will be able to explain normal changes in the pregnant woman as well as describing common, well-defined childhood illnesses. Using the nursing process the student will be able to care for a diverse childbearing client population in the acute setting and a diverse pediatric client population in a well-child community setting.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 165 and NURS 165C . The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 144  and NURS 144C  
2 Credits
  • NURS 165C - Maternal and Child Nursing Clinical

    1 Credits
    This course focuses on the psychological and physiological changes occurring in the childbearing client/family as well as normal growth and development in children. The student will be able to explain normal changes in the pregnant woman as well as describing common, well-defined childhood illnesses. Using the nursing process the student will be able to care for a diverse childbearing client population in the acute setting and a diverse pediatric client population in a well-child community setting. NURS 165C requires 45 hours of clinical for the semester.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 165  and NURS 165C. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 144  and NURS 144C  
1 Credits
  • NURS 175 - Geriatrics and Mental Health

    3 Credits
    This course covers the normal aging processes, characteristics of aging, special problems associated with aging, and caring for the aging adult. This course also focuses on the health and illness of clients with emotional and psychosocial difficulties and psychiatric illnesses. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the nurse-patient relationship and the therapeutic use of self in the clinical setting through verbal and written communication, and one-on-one interactions in the role of the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Additional emphasis is placed on the LPN’s role in interdisciplinary treatment planning, utilization of the nursing process, and the impact of culture in the care of the aging adult and in mental health illnesses.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 144  and NURS 144C  
    Co-requisite(s): PSYC 101  
3 Credits
  • NURS 195 - Practical Nurse Leader and Manager

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Course to be completed in the final semester of the Practical Nursing Diploma program.
    This course will provide leadership and management processes for the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to apply with the current health care industry. Students will explore how culture, delegation, ethics and law, and the process of change, assists to build a team of health care providers within the scope of the LPN practice. This course will focus on management theory; stressing effective communication and conflict resolution skills with staff, clients, families and physicians.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • NURS 217 - Health Assessment in Nursing

    3 Credits
    This course prepares the undergraduate nursing student to collect data and perform a complete and thorough client assessment, including history and physical examination. The course emphasizes a holistic approach to assessment. The focus of the four domains of man’s physical, psychological, spiritual, and cultural needs throughout the lifespan are presented. The student will gain an advanced level of competency in health assessment to function in the role of a professional nurse. This course will lay the foundation of advanced assessment skills to enable the student to consider graduate studies in nursing science.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS217 and NURS 217L  
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221  BIOL 221L  NURS 101  NURS 101C  
3 Credits
  • NURS 217L - Health Assessment in Nursing Lab

    1 Credits
    2 Contact Hours
    This course prepares the undergraduate nursing student to collect data and perform a complete and thorough client assessment, including history and physical examination. The course emphasis is a holistic approach to assessment. The focus of the four domains of man’s physical, psychological, spiritual, and cultural needs throughout the lifespan are presented. Note: This course requires 2 hours of skills lab each week.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional Course Fees Apply
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 217   and NURS 217L
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221  and BIOL 221L NURS 101  and NURS 101C  
1 Credits
  • NURS 250 - Nursing Care of Adults I

    4 Credits
    This course is the first part of a two-semester sequence that synthesizes theoretical knowledge and clinical decision making involved in the nursing care of a diverse adult population. Concepts addressed include health promotion, management of common medical-surgical health alterations, and therapeutic interventions utilizing nursing clinical judgment and the nursing process. Students will incorporate the characteristics of safe practice, healthcare quality, and interprofessional communication to optimize person-centered care.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 250, NURS 250L and NURS 250C  The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 312 , NURS 126 , NURS 217  , NURS 217L  , NURS 325  and NURS 325C  
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 315  
4 Credits
  • NURS 250C - Nursing Care of Adults I Clin

    3 Credits
    The student will use the nursing process and critical thinking skills to develop a holistic plan of care for a diverse adult population with various medical or surgical abnormalities in structured settings. Clinical practice experiences are provided in both outpatient and acute care settings and will focus on knowledge and skills necessary for the competent and compassionate care of adults within the context of their families and community. Opportunities to apply theoretical concepts are offered through faculty guided on and off campus experiences in acute care facilities. This course begins to prepare the nursing student to be an effective practitioner of care of the adult patient. NURS 250C requires 135 hours of clinical for the semester.

    This course is part one of a two-part medical-surgical clinical rotation. This clinical course provides experiential learning experiences where students will use medical-surgical nursing knowledge and the nursing process to develop clinical judgment. Students will provide nursing care to adults and their families, under supervision, in acute care and/or ambulatory healthcare settings. The course emphasizes competency development in the provision of safe, person-centered care in collaboration with the healthcare team. Students will complete 135 hours of clinical time.

    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 250 , NURS 250L  and NURS 250C. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 222 , BIOL 222L , BIOL 312 , NURS 126 , NURS 217  , NURS 217L  , NURS 325  and NURS 325C  

3 Credits
  • NURS 250L - Nursing Care of Adults I Lab

    1 Credits
    2 Contact Hours
    This course is part one of a two-part medical-surgical lab learning experience. This course provides opportunities to practice safe patient care for adult patients in a laboratory setting. Students practice select technical skills commonly used in the care of medical-surgical adult patients. Additionally, students work in teams to provide collaborative nursing care in high-fidelity simulation scenarios. This course emphasizes principles of patient safety, communication, teamwork, and the development of clinical judgment. This course requires 30 contact hours.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course.
    Note: NURS 250L requires 2 hours of skills lab each week.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 250 , NURS 250L and NURS 250C . The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 222 , BIOL 222L , BIOL 312 , NURS 126 , NURS 217  , NURS 217L  , NURS 325  and NURS 325C  
1 Credits
  • NURS 315 - Health Promotion and Education

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to concepts of health promotion and wellness for individuals and families across the lifespan. Students will learn about health-promoting behaviors that reduce risk factors, including healthy diet, exercise, stress management, sleep, health screening, injury-prevention, and self-care. The Healthy People Framework will be explored in the context of how individual and family health promotion fits into community and population health. Health behavior change theories and principles of interprofessional collaboration will be used to examine educational interventions for promoting health and wellness.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Prerequisite(s): BSN-PL Students: NURS325; BSN-C Students: ENGL311
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 250  
3 Credits
  • NURS 317Y - Health Assessment in Nursing

    4 Credits
    This course prepares the undergraduate nursing student to collect data and perform a complete and thorough client assessment, including history and physical examination. The student is provided opportunities to practice health assessment skills using active learning strategies.The student will use health assessment data to prioritize patient problems and consider nursing interventions. A holistic approach, incorporating the physiological, psycho-social, cultural, and spiritual domains of the human person, is emphasized. The theoretical foundations and evidence basis for assessment techniques are included. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BSN-C program.
4 Credits
  • NURS 325 - Mental Health Nursing Across the Lifespan

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the psychopathology, psychopharmacology, and holistic care for individuals, families and groups with mental health conditions across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on therapeutic communication for clients with emotional and psychosocial difficulties. Students will utilize theory and evidence from nursing, psychology and related disciplines to develop clinical judgment in care provision of clients. Health promotion strategies that improve mental health outcomes will be integrated throughout the course.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 325 and NURS 325C . The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C NURS 125  and PSYC 101   
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 126 NURS 217L  and NURS 217  
3 Credits
  • NURS 325C - Mental Health Nursing Clinical

    1 Credits
    This clinical course focuses on the nursing management of clients with mental health conditions. Application of theoretical knowledge of psychopathology, psychopharmacology, therapeutic communication, client education, and other treatment strategies are utilized to provide an evidence-based, holistic approach to care for clients with mental health disorders. NURS325C requires 45 hours of clinical time for the semester.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 325  and NURS 325C. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 101  and NURS 101C NURS 125 PSYC 101    
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 126 NURS 217L  and NURS 217  
1 Credits
  • NURS 334 - Nursing Care of Adults II

    4 Credits
    This course is the second part of a two-semester sequence that reinforces theoretical knowledge and clinical judgment involved in nursing care of a diverse adult population. Concepts will continue to address health promotion, management of common medical-surgical health alterations, and therapeutic interventions utilizing nursing clinical judgment and the nursing process. Students will incorporate the characteristics of safe practice, healthcare quality, and interprofessional communication to optimize person-centered care. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 334, NURS 334L  and NURS 334C  The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 250 , NURS 250L NURS 250C  , and NURS 315  
4 Credits
  • NURS 334C - Nursing Care of Adults II Clinical

    4 Credits
    This course is part two of a two-part medical-surgical clinical rotation. This clinical course provides experiential learning experiences where students will use medical-surgical nursing knowledge and the nursing process to develop clinical judgment. Students will provide nursing care to adults and their families, under supervision, in acute care and/or ambulatory healthcare settings. The course emphasizes competency development in the provision of safe, person-centered care in collaboration with the healthcare team. Students will complete 180 hours of clinical time.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 334 , NURS 334L  and NURS 334C. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 250 , NURS 250L  and NURS 250C  
4 Credits
  • NURS 334L - Nursing Care of Adults II Lab

    1 Credits
    2 Contact Hours
    This course is part two of a two-part medical-surgical lab learning experience. This course provides opportunities to practice safe patient care for adult patients in a laboratory setting. Students practice select technical skills commonly used in the care of medical-surgical adult patients. Additionally, students work in teams to provide collaborative nursing care in high-fidelity simulation scenarios. This course emphasizes principles of patient safety, communication, teamwork and the development of clinical judgment. This course requires 30 contact hours. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course.
    Note: NURS 334L requires 2 hours of skills lab each week.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 334 , NURS 334L and NURS 334C . The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 250 , NURS 250L  and NURS 250C  
1 Credits
  • NURS 355 - Nursing of Childbearing Family

    4 Credits
    This course synthesizes the role of the nurse in caring for the childbearing client and family throughout the reproductive life cycle. Topics include puberty, women’s health issues, health promotion for childbearing families, family planning, the reproductive process, intrapartum maternal changes, and fetal development from conception to birth. Emphasis will be placed on development of clinical judgment and the application of the theoretical content relevant to the care of the childbearing family and the neonate’s health care needs.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to complete this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 355 and NURS 355C   .The lecture, lab (L), and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 334  , NURS 334L   and NURS 334C  
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 370L  
4 Credits
  • NURS 355C - Nursing of Childbearing Family Clinical

    2 Credits
    This clinical course utilizes experiential learning for the student to provide nursing care for the childbearing family. Special emphasis will be placed on the care of prenatal, laboring, postpartum, and newborn clients. Students will incorporate concepts of family planning, the reproductive process, fetal development, intrapartum maternal changes, and the use of the clinical judgment model to develop and implement plans of care across the health continuum. The focus of the course is on the use of clinical judgment to provide safe, evidence-based, person-centered care to childbearing families. NURS 355C requires 90 hours of clinical practice for the semester. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 355  and NURS 355C.The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 334 , NURS 334L  and NURS 334C  
    Co-requisite(s): NURS 370L  
2 Credits
  • NURS 370 - Nursing Care of Children

    4 Credits
    This course synthesizes the role of the nurse in caring for the developing child and their family from birth through adolescence. It emphasizes the unique needs and conditions of the pediatric population, including ethical considerations. Theories and principles of growth and development are incorporated as they apply to the health continuum. Concepts addressed include health promotion and maintenance, end-of-life/palliative care, and restoration. Students will develop developmentally-appropriate therapeutic communication techniques and evidence-based interventions for the provision of safe, person-centered care for the pediatric population.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 370, NURS 370L  and NURS 370C  The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 334 , NURS 334L ,  NURS 334C , and PSYC 303   
4 Credits
  • NURS 370C - Nursing Care of Children Clinical

    2 Credits
    This clinical course utilizes experiential learning for the student who will provide nursing care for the developing child and their family from birth through adolescence. Students will use the clinical judgment model and incorporate principles of growth and development to create and implement plans of care across the health continuum. Students will apply clinical judgment skills, developmentally-appropriate therapeutic communication techniques, and principles of safe, evidence-based, person-centered care. NURS370C requires 90 hours of clinical practice for the semester. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 370 , NURS 370L  and NURS 370C. The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 334 , NURS 334L NURS 334C , and PSYC 303  
2 Credits
  • NURS 370L - Nursing Care of Children Lab

    1 Credits
    2 Contact Hours
    This course provides opportunities to practice safe client care for the maternal/pediatric family unit in a laboratory setting. Working in teams, students will engage in high-fidelity simulation scenarios that span from the birthing process to postpartum care and the neonatal to adolescent client. Opportunities for hands-on practice of newborn, pediatric, and post-partum assessment will be provided, with an emphasis on normal growth and development. This course emphasizes principles of patient safety, communication, and the development of clinical judgment. NURS370L requires 30 contact hours for the semester. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course.
    Note: NURS 370L requires two hours of skills lab each week.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 370 , NURS 370L and NURS 370C  The lecture, lab (L) and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 334 , NURS 334L NURS 334C , and PSYC 303   
1 Credits
  • NURS 415 - Evidence Base Nursing Practice

    2 Credits
    This course will explore scholarship in nursing practice. Students will learn how to locate, appraise, and synthesize the evidence, translating that evidence into practice by writing a practice-change proposal.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Prerequisite(s): BSN-PL: COMM 120 ENGL 110 NURS 250 NURS 315  and STAT 219  
    Co-requisite(s): BSN-Concurrent/Completion only: HLTH401* *Can also be taken as a prerequisite
2 Credits
  • NURS 420 - Community Health Nursing

    2 Credits
    30 Contact Hours
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: BSN Completion/Concurrent students only.
    This course focuses on concepts of community and public health nursing.  Topics include population-centered risk reduction and health promotion, public health policy, public health emergencies and disasters, and social determinants of health. The course will explore concepts of interprofessional collaboration and strategies for promoting equitable health outcomes. 
    Grade Note(s): A grade of B- or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Component Co-requisite(s): NURS 420 and NURS 420C : The lecture and clinical (C) components of each NURS course must be successfully completed during the same semester. All component co-requisites must be repeated if a failing grade is received in any one of them.
    Prerequisite(s): NURS 315  
2 Credits

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