Sep 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Descriptions


Course numbers that end in “D” are Dual Language courses reserved for those in bilingual programs.

Courses offered online may have the book cost billed with tuition and fees.

Courses sections designated with EL (Experiential Learning) or SL (Service Learning) may require from 10-20 hours of time commitment per semester outside of class meetings. Students may find EL or SL designated courses by reviewing the DU course schedule.


Guide To Electives    



Computer Science

  • CSCI 436 - Concepts of Programming Languages

    3 Credits
    In this course, students will examine concepts in the design of modern programming languages. These concepts may include syntax, semantics, control flow, expressions, scope, sub-programs, data types, abstract data types, and concurrency mechanisms.
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 312 
3 Credits
  • CSCI 440 - Introduction to Modeling and Simulation

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to the fundamentals of modeling and simulation (M&S). Topics covered include M&S theory, simulation tools, data modeling, discrete event simulation, continuous simulations, and Monte Carlo simulation. Students will design, develop, validate, and verify multiple discrete event simulations.
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 312 
3 Credits
  • CSCI 445 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    3 Credits
    In this course the student will study algorithms that are core to the Computer Science field as well as an in-depth analysis of each type of algorithms. .Selected algorithms may include graph based algorithms, divide and conquer, linear programming, dynamic programming, and computational geometry. Students will also analyze algorithms in order to be able to identify NP-hard problems.
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 280  and CSCI 312 
3 Credits
  • CSCI 448 - Collaborative Game Development

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the development of a functional multiplayer network-enabled game or simulation. Networking code will be developed that employs prediction algorithms to account for network latency. Emphasis will be placed on the management of the design process and the use of tools and technologies that enable collaborative development and management through all stages of the development life cycle.
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 370  
3 Credits
  • CSCI 460 - Secure Software Evaluation and Testing

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the tools and techniques used to ensure the delivery of correctly functioning software. Evaluation techniques, testing procedures, and testing tools will be investigated that enable development teams to identify and test critical code to ensure that the project complies with the stated security plan.
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 260 
3 Credits
  • CSCI 472 - Automata Theory and Compiler Design

    3 Credits
    In this course students will explore the Automata Theory, algorithms, and data structures involved in the design and construction of language compilers. During the course, students will be engaged in programming language design and compiler construction in a hands-on environment. Topics may include Finite Automata, Regular Expressions, Context-Free Grammars, Pushdown Automata, Turing Machines, translators, interpreters, compilers, and the phases of compilation.
    Prerequisite(s): CSCI 312 
3 Credits
  • CSCI 490 - Computer Science Internship

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This bachelor-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. 150 hours of career-related work time shall be required for the 3 credit course pursued. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance.A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior status, CSCI 260  and either CSCI 232 , CSCI 234 , or CSCI 239 ; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3.
3 Credits
  • CSCI 497 - Computer Science Capstone

    3 Credits
    This is the capstone for the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Competency of the program will be demonstrated through a project in which the student demonstrates proficiency in their specific major area of study.
    Prerequisite(s): Last semester; major courses complete or taken concurrently
3 Credits

Data Analytics

  • DATA 275 - Introduction to Data Analytics

    3 Credits
    The basics of data analytics are introduced including descriptive, predictive and prescriptive statistics, regression analysis, and data visualization. The instructional approach is an application-based introduction to data analytics practices such as data cleaning, data organization for analysis, and exploratory data analysis. A key component of instruction is an emphasis on hands-on practice with data analysis projects and presentation of results to multiple audiences. Techniques examined emphasize applicability in multiple organizational sectors including business, healthcare, and technology.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 220 
3 Credits
  • DATA 288 - Introduction to R Programming

    3 Credits
    In this course, students are introduced to the R statistical programming language and learn about statistical computing, how to read and manipulate data using R packages, write R functions, and debug and organize R programs. Students also learn how to install and configure software necessary for statistical programming and data analysis in R.
3 Credits
  • DATA 312 - Data Visualization and Communication

    3 Credits
    In this course, students learn data visualization and communication skills using industry-standard software. Emphasis is placed on communicating practical implications of data analytics results to a non-technical audience to facilitate decision-making. Students apply their learning through hands-on projects, creating reports, and dashboards with high-impact visualizations.
3 Credits
  • DATA 342 - Advanced R Programming

    3 Credits
    In this course, students learn R programming language concepts in the context of conducting high-level statistical analysis through application-based programming such as reading data into R, accessing analysis tool boxes in R, writing R functions, debugging, and organizing and commenting in R code. Data mining and analysis projects provide students working examples through which to apply various analysis strategies. Ultimately, students employ advanced modeling techniques to write R code to conduct data analysis with strong reusability.
    Prerequisite(s): DATA 288  
3 Credits
  • DATA 356 - Applied Regression Analysis

    3 Credits
    In this course, students learn regression-based modeling including supervised versus unsupervised learning, bias-variance tradeoff, cross-validation, simple and multiple linear Least Squares regression, variable selection methods, ridge regression, and Lasso. Emphasis is placed on model creation and validation rather than traditional inference methods. Students get hands-on practice by conducting a data analytics project using real-world data sets.
    Prerequisite(s): DATA 275  
3 Credits
  • DATA 374 - Classification Models

    3 Credits
    In this course, students learn commonly used classification models and algorithms to create business insights and to understand and solve real-world problems. Students clearly define a classification problem, extract and prepare data, explore data using univariate and bivariate visualization, and build and evaluate classification models using five basic and advanced algorithms. Systematic approaches for building classification models from an input data set are covered, including decision tree classifiers, logistic regression, K-nearest neighbor (KNN), support vector machines (SVM), and naive Bayes classifiers.
    Prerequisite(s): DATA 275  DATA 342  
3 Credits
  • DATA 432 - Data Mining

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to data mining methods and applications. It covers basic concepts and tools for data mining, including data sources, data cleaning tools and methods, mainstream algorithms for data mining, statistical modeling, and popular tools for mining structured data and unstructured data. Through hands-on practice conducting data analytics projects using real-world data sets, students also learn how data mining can be effectively used in various application areas to drive decisions and actions.
    Prerequisite(s): DATA 275  
3 Credits
  • DATA 444 - Essentials of Business Analytics

    3 Credits
    This course introduces advanced methods of building statistical models for decision-makers, with a primary focus on modeling techniques such as logistic regression and discriminant analysis. Students solve real-world business cases, applying statistical concepts and techniques in business, finance, market research, and healthcare management contexts.
    Prerequisite(s): DATA 275  
3 Credits
  • DATA 490 - Data Science Internship

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    The  Data Science internship allows students to integrate previous classroom learning about data analytics with new learning acquired through a paid or unpaid on-the-job work experience. Students gain extensive hands-on experience in one or more of the following focus areas: organizing and exploring data, building dashboards, mining data, or conducting predictive analysis using industry standard software. Students are responsible for selecting their internship site, with support from the university, as needed. A criminal background check and drug screening may be required by the internship site. Students schedule internship hours in partnership with the site and report hours weekly as a part of the course requirements. 150 hours of career-related work time is required for this 3 credit course. Student performance is evaluated by both the site supervisor and faculty member responsible for oversight of the internship.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required in order to earn a passing grade in this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply
    Prerequisite(s): Junior status; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3 required
3 Credits
  • DATA 495 - Data Science Capstone

    3 Credits
    In this course, students apply theoretical knowledge and use practical experiences learned throughout the Data Science program to design and execute a data analytics project. Given the purpose and goals of their study, students identify and select the appropriate data analytics techniques and then collect and analyze data. Findings and conclusions are presented in a manner that facilitates data-driven decision making.
    Prerequisite(s): Students must achieve senior status to take this course.
3 Credits

Data Analytics - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​  section for more information.

  • DATA 275D - Introduction to Data Analytics DL

    3 Credits
    DATA 275D - Introducción al Análisis de Datos DL

    3 Créditos

    Se introducen los conceptos básicos del análisis de datos, incluidas las estadísticas descriptivas, predictivas y prescriptivas, el análisis de regresión y la visualización de datos. El enfoque instruccional es una introducción basada en aplicaciones a las prácticas de análisis de datos, como la limpieza de datos, la organización de datos para el análisis y el análisis exploratorio de datos. Un componente clave de la instrucción es el énfasis en la práctica con proyectos de análisis de datos y la presentación de resultados a múltiples audiencias. Las técnicas examinadas enfatizan la aplicabilidad en múltiples sectores organizacionales, incluidos negocios, atención médica y tecnología.

    The basics of data analytics are introduced including descriptive, predictive and prescriptive statistics, regression analysis, and data visualization. The instructional approach is an application-based introduction to data analytics practices such as data cleaning, data organization for analysis, and exploratory data analysis. A key component of instruction is an emphasis on hands-on practice with data analysis projects and presentation of results to multiple audiences. Techniques examined emphasize applicability in multiple organizational sectors including business, healthcare, and technology.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Fees: Aplican cuotas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 220D  

3 Credits


  • ECON 200 - Microeconomics

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to economics. Students learn the basics of supply and demand; the market economy; elasticity; the foundation of consumer demand; the theory of the business firm and costs of production; the market structures of perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition; theories of labor unions and wages; antitrust policy; and the microeconomic view of international business.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109 , MATH 120  
3 Credits
  • ECON 201 - Macroeconomics

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to economics, the schools of economic thought, and international economics. Students learn the methodology, concepts, and terminology of macroeconomics, including principles, theories, and tools. They also study banking, money, the Federal Reserve System, and monetary theory. In addition, macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and globalization are discussed.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120 ENGL 109  
3 Credits
  • ECON 385 - Economics Special Topics

    3 Credits
    This course explores economic phenomena in various contexts. Students learn in-depth the significance and implications of economic theory and its applications in business and public policy.
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200  or ECON 201 
3 Credits

Economics - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • ECON 200D - Microeconomics DL

    3 Credits
    ECON 200D - Microeconomía DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso introduce a los estudiantes a la economía. Los estudiantes aprenden los conceptos básicos de la oferta y demanda; la economía de mercado; elasticidad; la base de la demanda de los consumidores; la teoría de la empresa y los costos de producción; las estructuras de mercado de competencia perfecta, monopolio, oligopolio y competencia monopolística; teorías de sindicatos y salarios; política antimonopolio; y la visión microeconómica de los negocios internacionales.

    This course introduces students to economics. Students learn the basics of supply and demand; the market economy; elasticity; the foundation of consumer demand; the theory of the business firm and costs of production; the market structures of perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition; theories of labor unions and wages; antitrust policy; and the microeconomic view of international business.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120D  , ENGL 109D  

3 Credits
  • ECON 201D - Macroeconomics DL

    3 Credits
    ECON 201D - Macroeconomía DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso introduce a los estudiantes a la economía, las escuelas de pensamiento económico y la economía internacional. Los estudiantes aprenden la metodología, los conceptos y la terminología de la macroeconomía, incluidos principios, teorías y herramientas. También estudian banca, dinero, el Sistema de la Reserva Federal y teoría monetaria. Además, se discuten problemas macroeconómicos como la inflación, el desempleo, el crecimiento económico y la globalización.

    This course introduces students to economics, the schools of economic thought, and international economics. Students learn the methodology, concepts, and terminology of macroeconomics, including principles, theories, and tools. They also study banking, money, the Federal Reserve System, and monetary theory. In addition, macroeconomic problems such as inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and globalization are discussed.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 120D  , ENGL 109D  

3 Credits


  • ENGL 021 - English/Reading Applications

    3 Credits
    A pre-college level course that extends students’ knowledge of the writing process, as well as higher-level reading, study skills, and critical thinking techniques. Building on existing skills, students develop strategies for prewriting, writing, revising, and editing using various methods of development. In addition, students apply strategies for effective reading, vocabulary building, and critical thinking, as well as learning how to access and summarize information from electronic sources. Students review grammar and punctuation as needed. Mastery of these skills is an essential component of academic and career success.
    Grade Note(s): This course is graded A - C or NC but the earned grade is not used in calculating semester or cumulative GPA.
    Prerequisite(s): Appropriate test scores. Students must complete a diagnostic writing sample.
3 Credits
  • ENGL 109 - Composition

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Students may be concurrently enrolled in ENGL109L based on GPA or test scores.
    This course introduces students to analytical writing. Employing critical thinking and the writing process, students will compose academic essays utilizing a variety of modes. They will also analyze and respond to a variety of academic and professional readings. Students will evaluate information and audience to improve form and content. Students are also introduced to the research process, including finding, evaluating, and documenting sources, to complete a short research project using the American Psychological Association Style.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • ENGL 109L - Composition Lab

    0 Credits
    The ENGL109L laboratory course will focus on developing reading skills, critical thinking, text analysis, the writing process, as well as grammar and appropriate documentation strategies. A smaller student-teacher ratio allows for individualized and small group instruction.
0 Credits
  • ENGL 110 - Advanced Composition

    3 Credits
    This course further develops the skills in expository and persuasive writing that were introduced in ENGL 109 , English Composition. Students develop critical thinking through the creation of essays and documents that use argumentation and persuasion. As a team, students collaborate to present a required assignment to the class. Students learn to research, evaluate, and incorporate information from both primary and secondary sources, to document secondary sources using APA format, and to analyze information and audiences to improve form and content.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109 
3 Credits
  • ENGL 220 - Literary Worlds

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to a variety of literary works, including poetry, drama, short fiction and the novel. Students learn to analyze the thematic and stylistic elements of literary works. They also learn to interpret literary works by developing a single point and supporting it with specific examples from the text. Students learn to identify historical, social, and intellectual trends that affect literary works. In addition, they will recognize how literature can enrich our lives by reflecting upon common personal and professional situations.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 110 
3 Credits
  • ENGL 311 - Professional Writing

    3 Credits
    This course develops the written and presentation skills necessary for success in professional, supervisory, or managerial positions. Emphasis on communication in both on-paper and digital media is included. Students also learn to use a variety of formats, styles, and delivery systems to achieve the clear, concise, and professional communication required to communicate in global markets. To stress the importance of workplace communication, students create a major professional document as a team.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 110  and COMM 120 
3 Credits
  • ENGL 385 - Literature Special Topics

    3 Credits
    This course introduces students to a specialized study of literary works. The study may be based upon a common author, a common theme, a common literary period, or a common literary genre (such as poetry, drama, short fiction, non-fiction, biography or the novel). Students learn to recognize the elements shared by an author’s work, a theme, a period or a genre. Students learn to analyze the thematic and stylistic elements of the specialized literary works. They also learn to interpret literary works by developing a single point and supporting it with specific examples from the text. Students learn to go beyond the summary of literary works to an analysis of them, using common literary terms.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 110 
3 Credits

English - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • ENGL 109D - Composition DL

    3 Credits
    ENGL 109D - Composición DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso introduce a los estudiantes a la escritura expositiva y persuasiva. Empleando el pensamiento crítico y el proceso de escritura, los estudiantes redactarán ensayos académicos utilizando una variedad de modos. También analizarán y responderán a una variedad de lecturas académicas y profesionales. Los estudiantes evaluarán la información y la audiencia para mejorar la forma y el contenido. También se presenta a los estudiantes el proceso de investigación, incluida la búsqueda, evaluación y documentación de fuentes, para completar un breve proyecto de investigación utilizando el estilo de la Asociación Estadounidense de Psicología.

    This course introduces students to expository and persuasive writing. Employing critical thinking and the writing process, students will compose academic essays utilizing a variety of modes. They will also analyze and respond to a variety of academic and professional readings. Students will evaluate information and audience to improve form and content. Students are also introduced to the research process, including finding, evaluating, and documenting sources, to complete a short research project using the American Psychological Association Style.

    Grade Note(s): ENGL 109LD   es un laboratorio de 0 horas crédito.

    ENGL 109LD   is a 0 credit hour lab utilized in the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP).
    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Fees: Aplican cuotas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Calificaciones de pruebas apropiadas o finalización exitosa de ENGL 021  . El estudiante también deberá completar una muestra de escritura de diagnóstico.

    Appropriate test scores or successful completion of ENGL 021  . Student must also complete a diagnostic writing sample.

3 Credits
  • ENGL 109LD - Composition Lab DL

    0 Credits
    ENGL 109LD - Laboratorio de Composición DL 

    0 créditos 

    El curso de laboratorio ENGL109LD se enfocará en desarrollar destrezas de lectura, pensamiento crítico, análisis de textos, el proceso de escritura, así como gramática y estrategias de documentación apropiadas. Una proporción menor de alumnos por maestro permite la instrucción individualizada y en grupos pequeños.

    The ENGL109LD laboratory course will focus on developing reading skills, critical thinking, text analysis, the writing process, as well as grammar and appropriate documentation strategies.  A smaller student-teacher ratio allows for individualized and small group instruction.

    Co-requisite(s): ENGL 109D  

0 Credits
  • ENGL 110D - Advanced Composition DL

    3 Credits
    ENGL 110D - Composición Avanzada DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso desarrolla aún más las habilidades de escritura expositiva y persuasiva que se introdujeron en ENGL 109D  , Composición en Inglés. Los estudiantes desarrollan el pensamiento crítico mediante la creación de ensayos y documentos que utilizan la argumentación y la persuasión. Como equipo, los estudiantes colaboran para presentar una tarea requerida a la clase. Los estudiantes aprenden a investigar, evaluar e incorporar información de fuentes primarias y secundarias, a documentar fuentes secundarias utilizando el formato APA y a analizar información y audiencias para mejorar la forma y el contenido.

    This course further develops the skills in expository and persuasive writing that were introduced in ENGL 109D  , English Composition. Students develop critical thinking through the creation of essays and documents that use argumentation and persuasion. As a team, students collaborate to present a required assignment to the class. Students learn to research, evaluate, and incorporate information from both primary and secondary sources, to document secondary sources using APA format, and to analyze information and audiences to improve form and content.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109D  

3 Credits
  • ENGL 110LD - Advanced Composition Lab DL

    0 Credits
    ENGL 110LD - Laboratorio de Composición Avanzado DL 

    0 créditos 

    El curso de laboratorio ENGL110LD se centrará en destrezas avanzadas de lectura, pensamiento crítico, análisis de textos, proceso de escritura, así como gramática y estrategias de documentación apropiadas. Una proporción menor de alumnos por maestro permite la instrucción individualizada y en grupos pequeños.

    The ENGL110LD laboratory course will focus on advanced reading skills, critical thinking, text analysis, the writing process, as well as grammar and appropriate documentation strategies.  A smaller student-teacher ratio allows for individualized and small-group instruction.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109D   and ENGL 109LD  
    Co-requisite(s): ENGL 110D  

0 Credits

Environmental Science

  • ENVS 125 - Introduction to Environmental Studies

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on issues pertaining to environmental awareness and sustainability. Students will gain an understanding of the various components of the Earth System and the complex relationship between humanity and the global environment. Students will analyze and discuss current environmental issues, as well as currently proposed solutions, and debate their likely impact upon present and future generations. Relevant concepts from natural and social sciences will be utilized to critically and creatively evaluate specific issues of environmental awareness and sustainability as they relate to business, health, and technology.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • ENVS 385 - Special Topics - Environmental Sciences

    3 Credits
    This is an experiential learning field course. The majority of the instruction takes place off campus. Students will examine concepts related to environmental science through hands-on field explorations in outdoor locations. Topics related to environmental science will be selected based on the location in which field explorations will occur. Students will study these topics while hiking through the natural settings in which they exist and learn about the environmental and geologic history of the region(s).
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109  and ENVS 125 
3 Credits

Environmental Science - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • ENVS 125D - Introduction to Environmental Science DL

    3 Credits
    ENVS 125D - Introducción a los Estudios Ambientales DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso se centra en temas relacionados con la conciencia ambiental y la sostenibilidad. Los estudiantes comprenderán los diversos componentes del sistema terrestre y la compleja relación entre la humanidad y el medio ambiente global. Los estudiantes analizarán y discutirán problemas ambientales actuales, así como las soluciones propuestas actualmente y debatirán su probable impacto en las generaciones presentes y futuras. Se utilizarán conceptos relevantes de las ciencias naturales y sociales para evaluar de manera crítica y creativa cuestiones específicas de conciencia ambiental y sostenibilidad en su relación con los negocios, la salud y la tecnología.

    This course focuses on issues pertaining to environmental awareness and sustainability. Students will gain an understanding of the various components of the Earth System and the complex relationship between humanity and the global environment.  Students will analyze and discuss current environmental issues, as well as currently proposed solutions, and debate their likely impact upon present and future generations. Relevant concepts from natural and social sciences will be utilized to critically and creatively evaluate specific issues of environmental awareness and sustainability as they relate to business, health, and technology.

    Fees: Aplican tarifas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.

3 Credits


  • FINC 211 - Corporate Finance

    3 Credits
    This course covers the fundamental principles of corporate finance. Students will be introduced to various methods of company analysis, the term structure of interest rates, the relationship between risk and return, time value of money principles, security analysis, cost of capital and capital structure, and capital budgeting techniques.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 201 
3 Credits
  • FINC 212 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    3 Credits
    This advanced course deals with topics concerning financial management and strategy. Theoretical as well as practical topics are discussed. Topics include financial planning and forecasting, the management of capital, and risk analysis in capital budgeting, as well as the working theories of capital structure and dividend policy. Students increase their analytical and problem-solving abilities in finance through the use of case studies and integrated PC software in applying various topics facing the modern financial manager.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 211 
3 Credits
  • FINC 215 - Investment Planning

    3 Credits
    This course is an introduction to investment fundamentals, including risk and return; investment information sources; market indexes; analysis of the economy, industry and companies; and investments in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Students will also be introduced to international investing, active versus passive investment strategies, fundamental and technical analyses, and other investment vehicles such as options, warrants, and convertibles.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 211 
3 Credits
  • FINC 220 - Money and Banking - Treasury Management Focus

    3 Credits
    This course is a study of the United States banking system, as well as how the government and the Federal Reserve Board influence bank operations and US monetary policy. Students will become acquainted with the principles of monetary theory and how the banking system is a key player in its implementation. Building on concepts learned in macroeconomics, topics will include the structure of the financial services industry; regulatory structure of the banking industry; the bank planning process; the functions of the central bank; and an introduction to international banking. Students will increase their analytical and problem-solving abilities in finance, while learning to analyze monetary and fiscal policy as practiced by the Federal Reserve. Students will also study banks’ financial statements and will be introduced to credit analysis, investment management, and loan administration.
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200  or ECON 201  and FINC 211 
3 Credits
  • FINC 222 - Behavioral Finance

    3 Credits
    This class is an introduction to the effect of psychology on the behavior of people in the financial field, such as portfolio managers, financial planners, investors, brokers, etc. The forces that determine risk-taking behavior in the field of investing will be explored, forces that include greed, hope, and fear. The class discusses the effect of human reactions on important aspects of market behavior and price movements. Issues include the errors committed by financial practitioners who rely on rules of thumb when making investment decisions or processing information, the effect of investors’ biased reactions to public announcements about securities, and the effect of perceptions of risk and return characteristics of various asset classes on portfolio management and security selection. A comparison of technical and fundamental analysis strategies and their relationship with behavioral finance is also discussed. Cases demonstrating the application of behavioral concepts to finance will be used.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 215 
3 Credits
  • FINC 230 - Financial Planning and Insurance

    3 Credits
    This course is a study of financial planning and wealth-creation techniques for individuals. Case studies will be utilized to evaluate and establish financial goals of individuals. Tax considerations, fringe benefits, investment techniques, insurance, and retirement and estate planning will also be discussed. Students will learn the application of well-established models and methods in personal financial planning and will be acquainted with concepts, logic methodology, and terms used in the field. Current thinking and developments in the field of financial planning will be presented. The subject of risk management will also be covered, including the various types of insurance: life, health, disability, long-term care, and property, as well as liability insurance. Regulatory, ethical, and legal issues will be discussed.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 215 
3 Credits
  • FINC 235 - Financial Analysis for Business Managers

    3 Credits
    This case study-based course examines the fundamentals of financial analysis from a business manager’s perspective, focusing on the analysis of financial information when making strategic business decisions. Topics covered include the practical interpretation of financial statements along with the utilization of various analytical techniques including ratio, common-size and trend analysis. Critical thinking and problem solving will incorporate the analysis of competitor and industry financial information.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 211 , MGMT 211  and MKTG 211 
3 Credits
  • FINC 290 - Finance ABA Internship

    Variable Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This associate-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. The course is variable credit (1, 2 or 3) with 1 credit requiring 50 hours of career-related work time at the internship site; 2 credits require 100 hours and 3 credits require 150 hours. The course may be repeated for up to a total of 3 credits. FINC 290 allows students to take an additional internship earlier in their career, but students must also meet the minimum 3 credits of their internship requirement through FINC 490 . Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3; at least 50% of courses completed in the Foundations of Business; and at least 6 credits in the major.
Variable Credits
  • FINC 301 - Retirement Plan/Employee Benefits

    3 Credits
    This course covers the principles of retirement planning. Students will examine defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans for the private sector, as well as retirement plans for nonprofit and governmental entities. The class will also cover the retirement plan design, the plan’s installation and administration issues, retirement plan distributions, nonqualified executive benefit plans, and other topics.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 211 
3 Credits
  • FINC 310 - Real Estate Finance

    3 Credits
    This course is a study of real estate as an investment and the strategies utilized in determining desirable properties. Students will discuss financing techniques including syndication, real estate investment trusts, mortgages, and seller-financed properties. Cash flow analysis and financial evaluation techniques will also be explored. Students will learn real estate concepts and financing techniques and will get exposure to the vast array of financing alternatives in real estate and how tax and legal concepts are applied to evaluate financing options for the acquisition of real estate investments.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 201 
3 Credits
  • FINC 320 - International Finance

    3 Credits
    This course is a study of the operations of the international finance community. The course will emphasize the flow of funds, exchange rate determination and forecasting, management of economics, translation and transaction exposures, and the financing of international trade. The international monetary system, foreign exchange trading, and the problems that occur in international markets will also be discussed. There will be a discussion of the assistance that the banking system provides to the continuing globalization of business.
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 201 
3 Credits
  • FINC 381 - International Finance

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores finance in an international context. Students learn about finance concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the finance practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • FINC 382 - International Finance

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores finance in an international context. Students learn about finance concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the finance practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • FINC 383 - International Finance

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores finance in an international context. Students learn about finance concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the finance practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • FINC 401 - Estate Planning

    3 Credits
    This class covers the estate planning process and its goals. The methods of estate transfer at death as well as during life are discussed. The various tax issues that arise with estate planning are examined. Other estate planning issues and considerations such as estate liquidity and postmortem actions are also covered.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 301 
3 Credits
  • FINC 402 - Portfolio Management

    3 Credits
    This course is an advanced study of portfolio construction, management, and protection. The topics covered include setting portfolio objectives, formulating an investment strategy, having a plan for portfolio monitoring and revision, protecting the portfolio when appropriate, and evaluating its performance. The risk-return characteristics of various investment classes are revisited. This is accomplished by covering the mathematics of diversification, a calculation of the correlation and covariance between various asset returns, and the use of these statistical tools in reducing the risk of a portfolio. The revision and evaluation of equity portfolios as well as fixed-income portfolios is presented. Other topics include international diversification, the efficient frontier, market efficiency, and options.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 215 
3 Credits
  • FINC 403 - Health Care Finance

    3 Credits
    This course is an in-depth study of health care financial information. This includes analyzing and interpreting financial information, setting fees, understanding different payment methods health care organizations receive for services rendered to patients, and revenue and receivable management. Other topics include strategic financial planning, the budgeting process, cost variance analysis, and capital project analysis. The class will also cover the difference between for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, the tax-status of health care organizations, and the function of managed care organizations.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 200  or ACCT 201 
3 Credits
  • FINC 490 - Finance BBA Internship

    3 Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This bachelor-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. 150 hours of career-related work time shall be required for the 3 credit course pursued. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3; all Foundations of Business courses completed; and at least 18 credits in the major, including ACCT 301 , FINC 212 , FINC 235 , FINC 402  .
3 Credits
  • FINC 493 - ACG Capstone Experience I

    2 Credits
    The course will prepare students for the ACG Cup competition. The ACG Cup is an intercollegiate competition among students from colleges and universities in West Michigan. Student participants will gain invaluable experience in a real-world context, receive feedback from leaders in the local business community, and expand networks. During the competition, students analyze complex business cases and present strategies involving merger and acquisition alternatives, valuation, capital markets, finance options, and corporate strategy.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 211 
2 Credits
  • FINC 494 - ACG Capstone Experience II

    1 Credits
    This is the second part of the ACG Cup Competition course and includes the case preparation and ACG Cup competition. The ACG Cup is an intercollegiate competition among students from colleges and universities in West Michigan. Student participants will gain invaluable experience in a real-world context, receive feedback from leaders in the local business community, and expand networks. During the competition, students analyze complex business cases and present strategies involving merger and acquisition alternatives, valuation, capital markets, finance options, and corporate strategy.
    Prerequisite(s): FINC 493 
1 Credits
  • FINC 495 - Financial Plan Development

    3 Credits
    In this course, a student will demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply knowledge of financial planning topics through the completion of case studies and experiential opportunities. Such opportunities will include the development of a financial plan and the presentation of their planning recommendations.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Last semester; major courses complete or taken concurrently.
3 Credits

Finance - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • FINC 211D - Corporate Finance DL

    3 Credits
    FINC 211D - Finanzas Corporativas DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso cubre los principios fundamentales de las finanzas corporativas. Los estudiantes conocerán varios métodos de análisis de empresas, la la estructura de vencimientos de las tasas de interés, la relación entre riesgo y rendimiento, los principios del valor del dinero en el tiempo, el análisis de seguridad, el costo del capital y la estructura del capital, y técnicas de presupuestación de capital.

    This course covers the fundamental principles of corporate finance. Students will be introduced to various methods of company analysis, the term structure of interest rates, the relationship between risk and return, time value of money principles, security analysis, cost of capital and capital structure, and capital budgeting techniques.

    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 201D  

3 Credits


  • GEOL 120 - Astronomy

    3 Credits
    The general concepts of modern astronomy and cosmology are introduced in this class. Students will learn about the general structure of the Solar System including the distribution and physical characteristics of the Sun, satellites, planets, dwarf planets, and small solar system objects. The similarities and differences between the Earth and other astronomical bodies will be discussed. Theories will be debated concerning the origin and fate of the Universe, the Solar System and its place within the Universe, and the probability of life beyond Earth. Telescopes will be utilized to view objects within our Solar System.
3 Credits
  • GEOL 130 - Geology of the Southwestern United States

    3 Credits
    This is a field course. The majority of the instruction takes place off-campus. Students are introduced to the scientific field of geology and apply it through hands-on study in a field setting. Topics will include an overview of rock and mineral identification and formation, weathering and erosion, earthquakes, volcanism, erosion and depositional environments, surface water and groundwater studies and plate tectonics. Students will study these topics while hiking through the natural settings in which they exist and learn about the geologic history of the region(s). The majority of the course will be held in national parks within the southwestern United States.
3 Credits
  • GEOL 140 - Physical Geology

    3 Credits
    Students are introduced to the scientific field of geology. Students also apply the scientific study of geology in a lab setting. The basic principles of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics are integrated into a concise and straight forward application to the study of the Earth and earth processes. Topics will include an overview of rock and mineral identification and formation, weathering and erosion, earthquakes, volcanism, erosion and depositional environments, surface water and groundwater studies, and plate tectonics.
3 Credits

Geology - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • GEOL 120D - Astronomy DL

    3 Credits
    GEOL 120D - Astronomía DL

    3 Créditos

    En esta clase se introducen los conceptos generales de la astronomía y cosmología modernas. Los estudiantes aprenderán sobre la estructura general del sistema solar, incluida la distribución y las características físicas del Sol, los satélites, los planetas, los planetas enanos y los objetos pequeños del sistema solar. Se discutirán las similitudes y diferencias entre la tierra y otros cuerpos astronómicos. Se debatirán teorías sobre el origen y destino del universo, el sistema solar y su lugar dentro del universo, y la probabilidad de vida más allá de la Tierra. Se utilizarán telescopios para observar objetos dentro de nuestro sistema solar.

    The general concepts of modern astronomy and cosmology are introduced in this class. Students will learn about the general structure of the Solar System including the distribution and physical characteristics of the Sun, satellites, planets, dwarf planets, and small solar system objects. The similarities and differences between the Earth and other astronomical bodies will be discussed. Theories will be debated concerning the origin and fate of the Universe, the Solar System and its place within the Universe, and the probability of life beyond Earth. Telescopes will be utilized to view objects within our Solar System.

3 Credits
  • GEOL 140D - Astronomy DL

    3 Credits
    GEOL 140D - Geología Física DL

    3 Créditos

    Se introduce a los estudiantes en el campo científico de la geología. Los estudiantes también aplican el estudio científico de la geología en un laboratorio. Los principios básicos de biología, química, matemáticas y física se integran en una aplicación concisa y directa al estudio de la Tierra y sus procesos. Los temas incluirán una descripción general de la identificación y formación de rocas y minerales, la meteorización y la erosión, los terremotos, el vulcanismo, la erosión y los entornos de depósito, los estudios de aguas superficiales y subterráneas, y la tectónica de placas.

    Students are introduced to the scientific field of geology. Students also apply the scientific study of geology in a lab setting. The basic principles of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics are integrated into a concise and straightforward application to the study of the Earth and earth processes. Topics will include an overview of rock and mineral identification and formation, weathering and erosion, earthquakes, volcanism, erosion and depositional environments, surface water and groundwater studies, and plate tectonics.

3 Credits


  • GRMN 111 - Beginning German I

    3 Credits
    This first semester German course is an introduction to listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, and German-speaking cultures. The course recognizes the practical importance of language with special emphasis on speaking skills. It assumes no previous knowledge of the language. Students learn basic vocabulary and language structure, and begin exploring diverse segments of German-speaking cultures.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to take the next course in the sequence.
3 Credits
  • GRMN 121 - Beginning German II

    3 Credits
    This second semester German course is a continuation of language skills and cultural understanding in GRMN 111 . The course recognizes the practical importance of language with special emphasis on speaking skills. Students expand their vocabulary, language structure, and continue examining diverse German-speaking cultures.
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GRMN 111  with a C or above
3 Credits
  • GRMN 211 - Intermediate German I

    3 Credits
    The third semester German course is a continuation of language, skills and cultural understanding at an intermediate level. The course recognizes the practical importance of language with special emphasis on speaking skills. Students continue to expand their vocabulary and language structure, and deepen their understanding of diverse German-speaking cultures.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to take the next course in the sequence.
    Prerequisite(s): GRMN 121 
3 Credits
  • GRMN 221 - Intermediate German II

    3 Credits
    The fourth semester German course is a continuation of language skills and cultural understanding from GRMN 211 . The course recognizes the practical importance of language with special emphasis on speaking skills. Students continue to expand their vocabulary and language structure, and build a well-rounded view of diverse German-speaking cultures.
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GRMN 211  with a C or above
3 Credits

Global Project Management

  • GPMT 287 - Principles of Project Management

    3 Credits
    Students gain an essential understanding of the discipline and approach to the management of projects in a global environment. Topics explained include project definition, resource planning, project scheduling with Gantt charts, project control, as well as planning and scheduling with limited resources. Topics are explored from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Students learn and utilize project software throughout the course. Various techniques used in planning, scheduling, ROI, and controlling projects will be explored and applied through the use of simulations.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 211 , MGMT 211  or CISP 111 
3 Credits
  • GPMT 290 - Project Management Internship

    Variable Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This sophomore-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. The course is variable credit (1, 2 or 3) with 1 credit requiring 50 hours of career-related work time at the internship site; 2 credits require 100 hours and 3 credits require 150 hours. The course may be repeated for up to a total of 3 credits. GPMT 290 allows students to take an additional internship earlier in their career, but students must also meet the minimum 3 credits of their internship requirement through GPMT 490 . Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status; 9 or more credit hours completed in Residency at Davenport; 6 credits completed in the Foundation of Technology including GPMT 287 ; cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3
Variable Credits
  • GPMT 385 - Project Scheduling with Agile

    3 Credits
    This course provides an in-depth look at scheduling in the complex world of global projects. Students will use MS Project as a platform to learn how to plan and create realistic project schedules, network diagrams and work breakdown structures. Additional topics include scheduling with agile methodology, estimating activity duration, determining the critical path, corrective actions, and generating reports. Students will get plenty of practice using MS Project tools using case studies to gain real world experience. Course aligns with Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) teachings.
    Recommended Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287 

3 Credits
  • GPMT 400 - Project Financial/Risk Analysis

    3 Credits
    This class delves into the financial and risk management of project management in a global environment by focusing on activity based forecasting, estimating management reserve, budgeting, risk management and cost associated with projects. Additional topics include identifying and categorizing risks, developing a comprehensive risk management plan, earned value management, and determining proper risk response strategies. It also includes other project management tools and methodologies used in managing global projects. This class is designed to provide students with a metric for an in depth assessment of their desire and commitment toward pursuing a career in global project management in the beginning of their educational process.
    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287 
    Recommended Prerequisite(s): BITS 211 

3 Credits
  • GPMT 410 - Global Sourcing for Projects

    3 Credits
    This class provides students with an in-depth understanding of sourcing in a global environment. Students will develop global contracts and explore cultural and ethical differences of managing projects and contracts in a global environment. Pragmatic and dynamic regional, legal, cultural and ethical environments that affect sourcing decisions and management are reviewed. Upon successful course completion, students will have a solid basis of understanding of the requirements and challenges U.S. based corporate project manager’s face in negotiating and managing global contracts and projects.
    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287 
3 Credits
  • GPMT 446 - Project Quality Management

    3 Credits
    Students will gain insight and knowledge into project product quality and process improvement for creating project or program deliverables. Specific topics include six sigma, lean, quality control, testing, continuous improvement and requirements verification. Special emphasis will be placed on customer satisfaction within a project environment.
    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287 
3 Credits
  • GPMT 490 - Project Management Internship

    Variable Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:
    This bachelor-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the-job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. The course is variable credit (1-6) with each credit requiring 50 hours of career-related work time at the internship site (6 credits= 300 hours). The course may be repeated for up to a total of 6 credits. Students must meet the minimum 3 credits of Technology Management internship requirement through this course. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.
    Grade Note(s): Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Minimum Junior status, completion of 6 credits of GPMT courses, 6 credits within the Specialty, and 9 credits in residency at Davenport University; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3.
Variable Credits
  • GPMT 499 - Certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) Preparation

    3 Credits
    This course prepares students for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification exam developed and conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI). This PMI® Authorized PMP® Exam Prep course provides a focused review of subject matter for the current exam and includes PMI-developed course content.
    Note: Successful completion of this preparatory course does not guarantee passing the exam. In addition, to sit for certification exams, students must meet educational and work experience requirements. Please refer to for specific exam requirements.
    PMP®, Project Management Professional (PMP) ®, PMBOK® and PMI® are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287  
3 Credits

Global Project Management - Dual Language (DL)

For students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.

  • GPMT 287D - Principles of Project Management DL

    3 Credits
    GPMT 287D - Principios de Gerencia de Proyectos DL

    3 Créditos

    Los estudiantes obtienen una comprensión esencial de la disciplina y el enfoque de la gerencia de proyectos en un entorno global. Los temas explicados incluyen definición de proyectos, planificación de recursos, programación de proyectos con diagramas de Gantt, control de proyectos, así como planificación y programación con recursos limitados. Los temas se exploran desde una perspectiva tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa. Los estudiantes aprenden y utilizan software de proyectos a lo largo del curso. Se explorarán y aplicarán diversas técnicas utilizadas en la planificación, programación, retorno de la inversión y control de proyectos mediante el uso de simulaciones.

    Students gain an essential understanding of the discipline and approach to the management of projects in a global environment. Topics explained include project definition, resource planning, project scheduling with Gantt charts, project control, as well as planning and scheduling with limited resources. Topics are explored from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Students learn and utilize project software throughout the course. Various techniques used in planning, scheduling, ROI, and controlling projects will be explored and applied through the use of simulations.


    Note: This course is for students enrolled in Bilingual programs only. See Casa Latina​ section for more information.
    Fees: Aplican cuotas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 211D  , MGMT 211D   or CISP 111D  

3 Credits
  • GPMT 385D - Project Scheduling with Agile DL

    3 Credits
    GPMT 385D - Programación de Proyectos con Agile DL

    3 Créditos

    Este curso proporciona una mirada en profundidad a la programación en el complejo mundo de los proyectos globales. Los estudiantes utilizarán MS Project como plataforma para aprender a planificar y crear cronogramas de proyectos, diagramas de red y estructuras de desglose del trabajo realistas.  Los temas adicionales incluyen programación con metodología agile, estimación de la duración de la actividad, determinación de la ruta crítica, acciones correctivas y generación de informes. Los estudiantes obtendrán mucha práctica utilizando las herramientas de MS Project utilizando estudios de casos para adquirir experiencia en el mundo real. El curso se alinea con las enseñanzas de los conocimientos sobre gerencia de proyectos (PMBOK).

    This course provides an in-depth look at scheduling in the complex world of global projects. Students will use MS Project as a platform to learn how to plan and create realistic project schedules, network diagrams and work breakdown structures.  Additional topics include scheduling with agile methodology, estimating activity duration, determining the critical path, corrective actions, and generating reports. Students will get plenty of practice using MS Project tools using case studies to gain real world experience. Course aligns with Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) teachings.

    Recommended Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287D  

3 Credits
  • GPMT 400D - Project Financial /Risk Analysis DL

    3 Credits
    GPMT 400D - Análisis Financiero/De Riesgo de Proyecto DL

    3 Créditos

    Esta clase profundiza en la administración financiera y de riesgos de la gerencia de proyectos en un entorno global, centrándose en la previsión basada en actividades, la estimación de la reserva de administración, la elaboración de presupuestos, la administración de riesgos y los costos asociados con los proyectos. Los temas adicionales incluyen la identificación y categorización de riesgos, el desarrollo de un plan integral de administración de riesgos, la administración del valor ganado y la determinación de estrategias adecuadas de respuesta a los riesgos. También incluye otras herramientas y metodologías de gerencia de proyectos utilizadas en la administración de proyectos globales. Esta clase está diseñada para proporcionar a los estudiantes una métrica para una evaluación en profundidad de su deseo y compromiso de seguir una carrera en gerencia de proyectos globales al comienzo de su proceso educativo.

    This class delves into the financial and risk management of project management in a global environment by focusing on activity based forecasting, estimating management reserve, budgeting, risk management and cost associated with projects. Additional topics include identifying and categorizing risks, developing a comprehensive risk management plan, earned value management, and determining proper risk response strategies. It also includes other project management tools and methodologies used in managing global projects. This class is designed to provide students with a metric for an in depth assessment of their desire and commitment toward pursuing a career in global project management in the beginning of their educational process.

    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287D  
    Recommended Prerequisite(s): BITS 211D  

3 Credits
  • GPMT 410D - Global Sourcing for Projects DL

    3 Credits
    GPMT 410D - Abastecimiento Global para Proyectos DL

    3 Créditos

    Esta clase proporciona a los estudiantes una comprensión profunda del abastecimiento en un entorno global. Los estudiantes desarrollarán contratos globales y explorarán las diferencias culturales y éticas en la gerencia de proyectos y contratos en un entorno global. Se revisan los entornos regionales, legales, culturales y éticos pragmáticos y dinámicos que afectan las decisiones de abastecimiento y la administración. Al finalizar con éxito el curso, los estudiantes tendrán una base sólida de comprensión de los requisitos y desafíos que enfrenta el gerente de proyectos corporativos con sede en los EE. UU. al negociar y gestionar contratos y proyectos globales.

    This class provides students with an in-depth understanding of sourcing in a global environment. Students will develop global contracts and explore cultural and ethical differences of managing projects and contracts in a global environment. Pragmatic and dynamic regional, legal, cultural and ethical environments that affect sourcing decisions and management are reviewed. Upon successful course completion, students will have a solid basis of understanding of the requirements and challenges U.S. based corporate project manager’s face in negotiating and managing global contracts and projects.

    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287D  

3 Credits
  • GPMT 446D - Project Quality Management DL

    3 Credits
    GPMT 446D - Administración de Calidad del Proyecto DL

    3 Créditos

    Los estudiantes obtendrán conocimientos sobre la calidad de los productos del proyecto y la mejora de procesos para crear los entregables del proyecto o programa. Los temas específicos incluyen Six Sigma, Lean, control de calidad, pruebas, mejora continua y verificación de requisitos. Se pondrá especial énfasis en la satisfacción del cliente dentro del entorno del proyecto.

    Students will gain insight and knowledge into project product quality and process improvement for creating project or program deliverables. Specific topics include six sigma, lean, quality control, testing, continuous improvement and requirements verification. Special emphasis will be placed on customer satisfaction within a project environment.

    Prerequisite(s): GPMT 287D  

3 Credits
  • GPMT 490D - Project Management Internship DL

    Variable Credits
    Registration Internship/Practicum Note: Asista al taller de pasantía obligatorio al menos dos semestres antes del semestre del curso de pasantía deseado. El taller de pasantía requerido y el proceso de aprobación se puede encontrar en:

    Attend Mandatory Internship Workshop at least two semesters prior to your desired internship course semester. The required internship workshop and approval process can be found at:

    GPMT 490D - Pasantía de Gerencia de Proyectos DL

    Créditos Variables

    Esta pasantía a nivel de licenciatura es la integración de la instrucción previa en el salón de clase con el nuevo aprendizaje adquirido a través de la experiencia laboral en el trabajo. La experiencia debe estar lo más estrechamente relacionada posible con la especialidad y el interés individual del estudiante. El curso tiene créditos variables (1-6) y cada crédito requiere 50 horas de trabajo relacionado con la carrera en el lugar de la pasantía (6 créditos = 300 horas). El curso podrá repetirse hasta un total de 6 créditos. Los estudiantes deben cumplir con el requisito mínimo de 3 créditos de pasantía en Gerencia de Tecnología a través de este curso. Las horas de prácticas serán programadas en colaboración entre el estudiante y el sitio y reportadas mediante informes semanales presentados por el estudiante en el curso académico. Se apoyará a los estudiantes para identificar posibilidades del sitio, sin embargo, la responsabilidad de la selección por parte del empleador de la pasantía recae en el estudiante. La pasantía puede ser remunerada o no remunerada. Un miembro de la facultad apropiado y el supervisor del sitio de pasantías evaluarán el desempeño del estudiante. El sitio de pasantías puede exigir una verificación de antecedentes penales y una prueba de detección de drogas.

    This bachelor-level internship is the integration of previous classroom instruction with new learning acquired through on-the- job work experience. The experience should be related as closely as possible to the student’s major field and individual interest. The course is variable credit (1-6) with each credit requiring 50 hours of career-related work time at the internship site (6 credits= 300 hours). The course may be repeated for up to a total of 6 credits. Students must meet the minimum 3 credits of Technology Management internship requirement through this course. Internship hours will be scheduled in partnership between the student and the site and reported via weekly reports filed by the student in the academic course. Students will be supported to identify site possibilities; however, responsibility for selection by the internship employer rests with the student. The internship may be either paid or unpaid. An appropriate faculty member and the internship site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance. A criminal background check and drug screen may be required by the Internship site.

    Grade Note(s): Cualquier ausencia injustificada o despido de una pasantía resultará en una calificación de F. Se requiere una calificación de C o mejor para aprobar este curso.

    Any unexcused non-attendance or dismissal from an internship will result in a grade of F. A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
    Fees: Aplican tarifas de curso adicionales.

    Additional course fees apply.
    Prerequisite(s): Estatus mínimo Junior, finalización de 6 créditos de cursos GPMT, 6 créditos dentro de la Especialidad y 9 créditos en residencia en Davenport University; GPA mínimo acumulativo de 2.0 y GPA mínimo mayor de 2.3.

    Minimum Junior status, completion of 6 credits of GPMT courses, 6 credits within the Specialty, and 9 credits in residency at Davenport University; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and minimum major GPA of 2.3.

Variable Credits

Health Sciences

  • HLTH 100 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/First Aid

    1 Credits
    This course provides the student with the BLS for Healthcare Providers (AHA) and Heartsaver First Aid (American Heart Association). The BLS portion covers core material such as adult and pediatric CPR (including two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag mask), foreign-body airway obstruction, and automated external defibrillation. The first aid portion (Heartsaver First Aid) of the course teaches how to manage illnesses and injuries in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. This course is intended for those who may have a duty to respond to a first aid or cardiac emergency secondary to job responsibilities or regulatory requirements.
    Grade Note(s): Grading is Pass/Fail.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
1 Credits
  • HLTH 101F - Introduction to Health Careers Seminar fp

    0 Credits
    This course allows for completion of a repeat Criminal Background Check (CBC) utilizing fingerprinting. This would be done if required by the practicum/clinical site. Students will be required to enroll in the repeated screening prior to completing a practicum at a health care related site or as needed for additional criteria of a particular program.
    Grade Note(s): Grading is Pass/Fail.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
0 Credits
  • HLTH 101M - Introduction to Health Careers

    0 Credits
    This course is required in conjunction with ACES 100  Achieving Career and Education Success for any College of Health Professions (CoHP) major. As part of orienting the student to the College of Health Professions programs, this course is also a primer regarding the importance of professionalism in healthcare and patient privacy, and the use of universal precautions and safety requirements for healthcare settings. Students are required to complete the criminal background check (CBC) and drug screen (DS) testing as part of this course. A review of the CoHP Student Handbook is included, as well as an introduction to the CoHP practicums and/or clinical professional practice experiences.
    Grade Note(s): If the CBC/DS process is not completed in the specified timeframe, a failing grade will be given for the course. Grading is Pass/Fail.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Co-requisite(s): ACES 100  
0 Credits
  • HLTH 101N - Nursing Background/Drug Screen

    0 Credits
    This course allows for early completion of a required criminal background check (CBC) and drug screen (DS) for Nursing students. Students can be required to enroll in the repeated screening prior to completing a practicum at a healthcare related site or as needed for additional criteria of a particular program.
    Grade Note(s): If the CBC/DS process is not completed in the specified timeframe, a failing grade will be given for the course. Grading is Pass/Fail.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
0 Credits
  • HLTH 101R - Introduction to Health Careers Seminar

    0 Credits
    This course allows for completion of a required background check and drug screen for reentry or repeat students. Students can be required to enroll in the repeated screening prior to completing a practicum at a healthcare related site or as needed for additional criteria of a particular program.
    Grade Note(s): If the CBC/DS process is not completed in the specified timeframe, a failing grade will be given for the course. Grading is Pass/Fail.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
0 Credits
  • HLTH 110 - Medical Terminology

    3 Credits
    This course introduces the concept of a system-based approach to learning the professional language of those who are directly or indirectly engaged in health care. Word building through knowledge, use of prefixes, suffixes, root words, and combining forms is a central theme of this course. Spelling, pronunciation, abbreviations, medical symbols, and use of a medical dictionary are also emphasized.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • HLTH 202 - Death and Dying

    3 Credits
    This course examines issues and concerns involved in helping patients and family members facing the problems of terminal illness and death. Students will be introduced to death-related issues for everyday life, including suicide, bereavement, euthanasia, and hospice care. Living will and advanced directives are discussed. This course also examines current medical concerns regarding the care and treatment of a terminal patient.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109 
3 Credits
  • HLTH 210 - Health Care Organizations and Systems

    3 Credits
    This course provides the student with an introduction to health care organizational systems and related resources. Discussions will include history and development of health care in the United States. Students gain a theoretical understanding of various health care provider roles in the overall organizational planning, management, quality, and assessment pertaining to major health policy issues and disciplines in the United States. Topics will compare and contrast the delivery of health care to those of other countries.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109 
    Co-requisite(s): ENGL 110 
3 Credits
  • HLTH 211 - Healthcare Management

    3 Credits
    This course provides a foundation in management principles with special application and focus on the health care industry. The course will focus on organizational resource management in the health care industry including strategic planning, governance, leadership, change management, communication, human resource management, training and development, organizational development, financial management, ethics, project management and contract management. Case analysis will be applied through the discussion of various health care management-related situations.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 109 
3 Credits
  • HLTH 220 - Pharmacology

    3 Credits
    This course focuses on the principles of understanding basic Pharmacology and the effects medications have on the body and disease. Names of the top fifty most commonly used medications, their classification, and side effects will be discussed. Safety with respect to calculation and administration of medications will be emphasized.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
    Recommended Prerequisite(s): BIOL 120 , BIOL 115  or BIOL 221  and BIOL 221L  

3 Credits
  • HLTH 230 - Health Care Law and Ethics

    3 Credits
    This course will provide the opportunity to explore basic law as it is applied to health related issues and the health care community. The student will be introduced to the concepts of medical ethics and will explore the major ethical issues currently facing health care professionals, with an emphasis on maintaining the highest legal, moral, and ethical standards in their profession.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course.
3 Credits
  • HLTH 250 - Health Care Reimbursement Management

    3 Credits
    This course is an introduction to health care reimbursement systems used throughout the United States. Students will gain a detailed understanding of various payment methodologies currently used (i.e. managed care, third party payers, federal programs, etc.), and apply this understanding to the monitoring and management of the revenue cycle. Students will verify completeness of clinical documentation, manage the use of clinical data systems used in claims management and utilize the principles of health care finance to monitor healthcare facility revenue. Current HIPAA guidelines will be covered along with financial ethics and the identification and eliminations of financial fraud and abuse.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Fees: Additional course fees apply.
3 Credits
  • HLTH 320 - Public Health Perspectives

    3 Credits
    This course provides the students with an increased understanding of the role of the health care professional within the larger public health system. The student will study the structure and function of the public health system at multiple levels. Synthesizing the didactic materials will allow the student to create proposals that address specific public health problems.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Co-requisite(s): ENGL 110 
3 Credits
  • HLTH 381 - International Health Care

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores health care in an international context. Students learn about health care concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the health care practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • HLTH 382 - International Health Care

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores health care in an international context. Students learn about health care concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the health care practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • HLTH 383 - International Health Care

    3 TO 6 Credits
    This course explores health care in an international context. Students learn about health care concepts while studying in another nation. Students reflect upon the health care practices of their country of study. This course may be tailored regarding content, time, and credit offered in accordance with a student’s international study and pending approval from the appropriate associate dean.
3 TO 6 Credits
  • HLTH 401 - Health Care Research

    3 Credits
    This course will provide the fundamentals of statistical analysis as it applies to health care research. The student in this course will also develop a fundamental understanding of the research process with emphasis on critical reading of published research.
    Grade Note(s): A grade of C or better is required to pass this course successfully.
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 219 
    Co-requisite(s): ENGL 311 
3 Credits

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